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I sighed deeply, curling in on myself as I lay in my bed. I had barely left this space in the last 6 days. My bed and I had formed an even deeper friendship, a solid connection, based on mutual understanding a trust that had heightened over the last week. It was my protection, my place of solace, and my therapy. I had been laying in this bed almost continuously since leaving my brother the Thursday before.

The only difference at this moment from all the days previous was the face that I currently had Harry spooning in behind me. As I curled in on myself, a habit I had when trying to rest, he followed. His legs, tangled with my own, followed my lead. His arms, over my middle, caused him to slide forward under my influence.

As I straightened, I pushed back against him.

"Would you quit wiggling," he huffed, his breath tickling my shoulder. "I'm trying to sleep."

"I cant get comfy," I complained, moving my legs even more for no other reason than to annoy him.

"Well I was quite comfy, and now I'm not," he pouted. "So now I have to wiggle to try and get comfy again."

I snickered at his movement, jerking his legs dramatically just as I had.

We had been laying in my bed for a long while, neither of us seeming to find sleep. Of course, it was only early afternoon, and sleep wasn't necessarily required at the moment. But as we had both suffered the last few nights without much rest, when I had suggested coming to lay down, Harry was all for it.

"I sleep better when I'm with you," he commented as I lead him into my room, closing the door behind us. Kicking off his shoes, he crawled into my bed, immediately curving his body along my own. Be buried his face in my shoulder, holding me impossibly close.

It was the first time in days I felt safe.

We said virtually nothing since laying down. After everything that was exchanged in the living room after his surprise appearance at my door, I wasn't sure if there was much else to say, anyways. I think we just needed to be near each other. To find comfort in each other. There were no words necessary for that.

I knew we were nowhere near finding a solution to the complexities that we found ourselves enveloped in. I was still sick with worry, anxious at the thought of what my brother had done, and the impact it would have on my parents. Even if Harry was here with me now, seemingly forgiving me for my connection to the worst time in his life, I knew he couldn't be as forgiving to Adam. Not that I blamed him.

Harry said he wanted to turn Adam in. That was honestly what I expected of him, even if the thought terrified me and made me ill. I blanched when he admitted it, but didn't condemn him. Because I knew if the tables were turned, I would probably want the same.

I had been floored, however, when Harry said he wasn't going to actually do it. That he didn't want my parents to suffer that loss again. I was so shocked, I couldn't respond. So completely dumbfounded that he would even consider the impact on my family when it came to his own. Again, I wasn't sure if I could be that understanding.

But despite his willingness to move forward, we were still at a loss. How could we be together, knowing Adam was the cause of his pain? How could we go to my parents? Have dinners? Even get married? So many things that seem so far away, but weighed so much when you really thought about it.

It was up to Harry. However he wanted to move forward with this, I was going to leave it to him. I would stand by him, try and guide him, and support him. But I wouldn't tell him his way was wrong. Because how would I know? I hadn't been through what he had.

Afterlife: RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now