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I scurried after him, my short legs having difficulty keeping up with his long legged stride. My hand was clutched tightly in his, my eyes down to the sidewalk as we hurried along. The gentle fall breeze blew my hair across my face, and as I tucked it behind my ear, I couldn't help the smile that came across me.

We had just spent the entire weekend in Seattle, in nothing but a mixture of lovely restaurants, beautiful cityscapes, and endless nights of naked cuddling. Harry, of course, didn't want to leave his apartment, preferring to stay naked and alone until forced to return to the world of the working come Monday. As much as I enjoyed the concept of that plan, I had never been to Seattle. I wanted to explore, to see the sights, and to fall in love with the city just as Harry had.

I spent a good portion of Friday evening on his computer, looking up things I wanted to see and places I wanted to visit. The entire time, he sat beside me, making comments and trying to pull my attention from the screen in front of me. Granted, we were both still naked, my only cover being one of his t-shirts. He seemed to love when I wore nothing but his shirt, preferably the one he had worn during the day. He, however, loved being naked, all the damn time. I even had to force him to put underwear on when answering the door for the Chinese food delivery guy, so not to scar him for life.

Saturday, after a leisurely morning in which Harry treated me to breakfast in bed following a rather enticing and enjoyable wake up call of his lips on my neck, we set out into the city for my first experience of Seattle. It was beautiful, the atmosphere so much different than that of New York. For some reason, in New York, everything was hurry, hurry, hurry. The city that never sleeps really did never sleep, and its energy was contagious and energizing. But here, everything seemed a slower pace. Calmer, fresher, but just as vibrant.

Harry took me to Chihuly Garden and Glass to start, and I was like a kid in a candy shop. Harry was literally chasing after me, warning me not to break anything. The sculptures were incredible, the light reflecting off the colors and catching my eye. I couldn't seem to focus on one thing, before another would gain my attention.

We spent the afternoon wandering the streets, as Harry pointed out a few little cafes he had frequented, before taking me for a walk on one of his running trails. I warned him I was no runner, so our expedition was going to be a walking one. Of course, he commented that he would just give me my workout in other means, before trying to pull me behind the shelter of some bushes for a little 'exhibitionist excitement'. I would do almost anything with this boy, but having sex under a bush was definitely not one of them.

We spent that night curled up on the couch, watching movies, bickering, and kissing. It was so relaxing, so completely natural, it was hard for me to remember when we had been so awkward with each other. Our fighting, his secrets, my frustrations. They had only been months before but they felt like another life.

Sunday, much to Harrys complaining and telling me I was like 'a big fucking child', I convinced him to take me to the aquarium. Ever since I was young, I had always loved the aquarium. Fish calmed me, and since I had a tendency to lose any other pet I had, fish were a cheap and easily managed option for me. Just as with the day before, Harry followed a pace behind me, his gaze rarely leaving me as I was enthralled with my surroundings. Where my attention was completely on the exhibits, the fish, the coral, his was on my expression. He seemed more interested in my reactions than anything else, and any time I looked back, he had such a serene expression, it always made me smile.

Sunday night was spent wrapped around each other, a torrent of sighs, moans and breath, well into the morning hours. We couldn't seem to get enough of each other, rarely being far from each others reach, almost never not touching in some form. I had never had this craving for anyone else in my life; this need to always have them near, this insatiable lust. I could swear I had had more sex in the last week than I had in the previous several years. Not that I was complaining.

Afterlife: RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now