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I inhaled deeply, the scent of coffee and maple syrup claiming my attention before I was even completely conscious. My eyes remained closed, my body comfortable and warm as I hid in the confines of my bed. Rolling onto my back, I stretched my arms over my head, making little grunting noises as I did so.

Reluctantly, I opened my eyes to the dull morning light. Glancing at my clock through squinted eyes, I found that it was barely ten in the morning. Not bad, for me.

It was in that moment that it dawned on me.

Today was my birthday.

Most people would be excited. The moment they realized it was a day dedicated completely to them, to celebrate their birth and the life that followed, they would hop out of bed with energy and a bounce in their step. Me, however, found it only cause me to want to curl back into the comforts of my bed and never leave.

I said this before, and I will say it again. I am not a fan of birthdays.

I don't like attention. Attention of any kind is fine for anyone but me. I prefer to be the documentarian of said attention, so long as it is focused away from my personal space. But since birthdays were, in their entirety, about being on the receiving end of praise, hugs, gifts and attention, they were not really my favorite experiences.

Pulling my blankets up under my chin, I bit on the inside of my lip.

Harry and I had yet to discuss my birthday in any form since the day I told him of its upcoming arrival. I had no idea if he was going to do anything, if he was going to buy me anything, or if he even remembered. I didn't really care, so long as he honored his promise to come with me to my parents this weekend. I needed him for that. Any other birthday bullcrap could be left at the wayside.

Finally, after my tiny bladder decided I had enough laying around and needed to allow it to do its business, I peeled myself from my bed and ventured out into the living room.

"Happy birthday!" Mia squealed from the kitchen, bright eyed and bushy fucking tailed as ever. Fucking morning people.

"Thanks," I muttered, heading into the bathroom.

I took my time, knowing the moment I emerged, it would begin. Despite knowing my distaste for birthdays, Mia always made a big fuss. She would keep others at bay, never letting them embarrass or put me on display, but it was a task she always kept for herself.

Stepping out of the bathroom moments later, I found her standing proudly at the kitchen table. Her hands were clasped behind her back, her dark hair pulled up into a knot on her head. She was still in her pajamas, and I snorted.

"Didn't you have class like an hour ago?" I asked, coming up to find a complete breakfast prepared. Eggs, pancakes, toast, and little sausage rounds with ketchup smiley faces greeted me.

"Yeah. But I'm skipping today."


"Its your birthday," she said as if it was the most obvious reason in the world for one to skip a class. "I have plans for us all day."

"Why would you do that?" I asked, sliding into the chair across from where she stood. Mia mimicked me, immediately reaching out and filling her own plate. "We usually just do a simple dinner."

"I know, but Harry and I discussed it. He has you tonight. So I have you today."

I snorted, almost choking as I tried to take a sip of juice. "You and Harry discussed it?"

"Yup," she grinned, taking a bite of toast. "Your day is planned. And before you get all pouty, just shut up and say thank you."

Sticking my tongue out at her, I combined her two requests. Pouting, I gave her a thank you, before filling my own plate.

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