Back to normal... Kind of.

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Chapter 13.

Back to normal... Kind of.


It has been a week since, me and Trey kissed, a week since me and Chris became girlfriend and boyfriend, since then nothing has happened, I met up with Chris once this week, he took me to a beach and we just relaxed which was lovely, but the rest of the week he was at work.

It was now wednesday, and I was walking home with Rhianna, who havent seen since last week either.

"I havent spoke to you in ages" She groaned, messing around with her bag. 

"I know" I agreed laughing at her as she undone her straps of her bag making it fall to the floor.

"Dam" She shouted getting angry, I picked up her bag sorting out her straps. 

"Calm it woman" I groaned.

"Sorry, im just stressed, and Trey;s been a complete dick" She whispered putting her bag on her shoulders.

"Oh" I said acting surprised, I wonder what's up with him?

"Yeah, you know that night he went to yours, when he came back he was all angry, hitting everything in sight, and since then he has just moped around, mumbling how stupid he was" 

That hurt, I knoew it was a mistake, but to be so angry and ashamed of it.

"Do you know what happened?"

I shook my head, trying to convince her, she just shrugged and I guessed it worked.

"So you and Chris hey?" She asked. I grinned.

"Yeah last week we went to the fair and he asked me to be his girlfriend" I said smiling.

"Aw so sweet, im not going to lie, I thought you were doing my brother"

I looked at her wide eyes. "What?" I spat out.

"I didnt mean it in a mean way, it's just you started to get along really well suddenly, and I thought maybe something was happening"

I dunno why but this struck a nerve, and I just reacted.

"No Rhianna I am not doing your brother, we just are friends, I cant beleive you just assume im having sex with someone because Im friends with them" I screamed.

She flinched. "Look im sorry, I didn't mean it like that" I just sighed.

"Im sorry I shouted, im just really tired" Which was true, I stayed up all night texting Chris.

"It's okay, im just worried about my brother, he's still doing that stupid racing, and im glad your his friend, he seems happy with you, and im hoping you might beable to get him out of the racing"

I gulped, my stomach began to drop and I suddenly felt sick, here Rhianna was worried about her brother and the racing, when im just encouraging it, I felt so bad for lying to her, for keeping it from her, but it would break her heart and are friendship. I justgave her a hug and carried on walking.

We got to her house and stood outside the gate, "You wanna come in?" She asked, her eyes pleading.

Could I? What if I see Trey?

No I needed to sort this out, thats the least I can do for Rhianna.

"Okay" I whispered following her through her front garden and through the front door.

"Trey im home" Rhianna screamed, suddenly I heard a thump upstairs, and Trey came down with a small brown head girl in his arms.

"Hey Rhi, oh hey Melissa" He said spluttering my name. I sighed, I guess he wasn't that effected about the kiss, I had to chuckle, I was actually worried about him, and here he was doing some chick.

Little Miss Perfect. (I shall not be finishing this story for a while)Where stories live. Discover now