Living in the moment

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*Harry's p.o.v*

I watch her from the street. Seeing her try to keep awake just in case some people come in. I had to see her even though she doesn't know this is me.

She doesn't know I've changed along with her. I changed my appearance. I no longer wear my clothes from what the 18th century. I wear rings upon my fingers and necklaces sitting upon my collarbones. I wear boots along my feet that makes me a little bit taller.

I'm still that guy she meet but I had to become stronger. Just to protect her. I trained more even without weapons. The guys thought I was crazy but they know the reason.

I watch her talk to her friend who was at the bar with her the other day. I listen closely to their conversation. "I haven't been getting enough sleep." I hear her voice and just hearing it is making it hard to hide. I want to go in there and kiss her. Hug her. Asking her why she hasn't had a goodnight sleep.

I see her move her attention outside. She looks to the sky maybe looking at the landscape like she always did back at the castle. Her head moves and her eyes land on me. It's like everything froze around me. No cars passing by. No one on the street. Just us.

I don't know how long we've been keeping eye contact. But no soon her friend taps her shoulder I smell that scent from her bedroom. That old scent. I bring my bike to life and ride off leaving my Jade behind. Not today. I can't. Not yet.

As I follow the scent I call up the boys. "Harry whats up." I look around me for the address. "Guys I'm following this scent that was in Jade's house. It's old and seems familiar. I need you guys to meet me on Turtle Creek. The scent is stronger here."

"What! We need to talk after we find that scent because you didn't tell us this a few days ago!" Louis yells in the phone and I hear a click meaning the conversation is over.

I get off my bike and wait for the lads to meet me. As I wait the scent seems to get closer and closer. A cigarette is flinged by my foot and I look up through my glasses.

"Why are you following me curly?" I look up to be met by a man with gressy blonde hair. His skin is paler than anyone even for a vampire. His scent tells it perfectly. New born. But there is a scent hiding amoung the other. It mighy be his creater.

"I'm not following you. Waiting for some people here. You?" He snickers at me. "Same. Maybe we can wait together and once our people come we can...hang." He sends a smile my way thinking I didn't catch on to that double meaning.

I hear roars come behind me and I know it was the boys. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Hey man." I see Zayn with his eye's locked on Mr.Mystery over there along with the rest. "I see your people are here. So are mine."

He points his finger in the air and four others hop down wearing the same scent he wears. Niall comes to the right of me leaning close to my ear.

"Harry that scent they are new borns...." I nod to let him know I knew but his voice holds demeanor to it. "And that other scent." He growles and everyone else does along with him. "These man are Vincent's man."

I snap my eyes up at the man in front of me. A smile plastered on his face. He knows. He was in her room that night. That's why she couldn't sleep. What did he do?

My body feels with rage. My nails grow sharper and I know my eyes are clouded with black. I flash towards the man with my hand wrapped around his throat. The guys get a hold of the others. Not a second later I hear four bodys hit the ground and ashes following the wind.

My grip tightens on the man's throat. "Why were you at her house?" He smiles knowing who I meant. I tighten my grip. "Oh don't worry we were having fun until the bitch cut me with some sliver. She got what she got but I couldn't finish what she started. And I know and he knows what you did that day we found you."

I slam him into the brick building behind us and bring my face closer. "Why? What did you do?" He smiles at me and leans close to my ear. "He.... wanted me to leave a message for her. And now heres yours."

Just knowing who he is talking about brings more rage sending through me. He smiles from the effect that sentence on me. "Found ya." He pulls back and laughs. I drop him to his feet calmly which stops him from laughing. He looks at me with wondering eyes. "While I have a message for him." He raises a brow waiting for me to finish.

I press both my hands onto his chest piercing my nails through him. He groans from the pain. He trys to pray my fingers out but since I've been alive for centuries. I'm stronger.

I lean to him feeling his ragged breathe. "You fucked with the wrong person." I rip him in half causing him to burst into ashes around me. I step back turning back to my true form.

"Let's go. We can talk when we get back to the castle." I hop on my bike and leaving the pile of bones and their scent there. Now he just needs to find my message.


"Are you out of your damn mind! That was Vincent's man and you smelled him when you were at her place but didn't have the right mind to tell us! What the fuck Harry! I know you were thinking about her! But you said you will protet her! When she looked outside her window did she look okay!? Shit Harry if you told us early he was there we would have handled it for you." Louis yells at me and I can't help but agree.

"Yes she seemed fine. But I saw her early." Someone grabs my chin and pulls my attention. "You what?" I pull my face out of Liam's hold. "I didn't talk to her or go into her job. But I heard her say she didn't get enough sleep last night but I think she hasn't gotten any since we saw her at the bar."

The look at me wide eyed. I get up and walk to her room with them following behind me. I sit on the edge and look at the painting. The boys follow my stare and look at the painting. "She loves me." The boys look at me with a look that says. 'Duh stupid'.

I send them a glare which causes Zayn to shake his head. "We all knew Harry. You were just to stupid to see it. When you left her at that apartment that night and when see cried for weeks and weeks. It wasn't that hard to know. You guys knew each other for what almost a year."

I look at the guys and they nod. "Yeah we all knew. Even your mother. While I was helping her with Jade's wound I saw her look at her with hope. She even mouth something that not even I could hear but I know it had to do with making you happy. Even your father." I clench my jaw just hearing him say that word.

"You might be mad but your father was only trying to hide you to protect you from Vincent. He has his reasons. And maybe he isn't ready to tell you them yet." I hear Louis whisper with him leaving along with the rest.

After awhile I jump out the window and run to someone I need to see most. Her.

I slightly open the window to her bedroom to see her asleep. But she is tossing and turning meaning she will wake soon. I walk close to her and look at her nightstand. It's the note I left that night. I give a sad smile due to seeing it wishing I could say those words to her.

I turn my attention when I see another tucked in the cabin of the nightstand. I pick it up and read it. My eyes widen and angrier flows through me along with sadness. I look at her seeing her with her brows pulled forward. I put the note in my back pocket and silently take my shoes off.

I climb into the bed with her pulling her close. She relaxes putting her arms around me and her face buried in my neck. "I won't let him hurt you. He has to go through me until I take my last breathe from this world. But dying won't stop me from loving you."

I hear her sigh and cuddle closer to me. I smile and trying to keep this moment in my brain. Just in case I won't have this chance again. I kiss her cheek and I close my eyes. I will leave til sun rise. But til then nothing else matters.

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