Still Am

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*Jade's p.o.v*

They store isn't as busy as it usually is. Maybe cause now in days kids illegally download their music now. Don't blame them. It's easier or they don't have money to afford some music. But still if you love the band. You do anything for them.

"Hey girl you look like crap." I turn to Peaches with a tired expression. If your thinking no that isn't her real name. Since her boyfriend's name is Mario we called her Peaches. If you don't get it then you don't know Nintendo.

I sigh while leaning against the shiny counter that I've at least cleaned twenty times. "Yeah haven't slept for days." It's true. After getting the note from Vincent I've been having these dreams that feel so real. And not in a good way.

The first night I dreamt of him slowly killing someone. I saw blood every where and him with someone tired to a chair. But each night it gets worse. I hear the person scream but it sounds like something is stopping them. Then a laugh fills my head. It just gets worse. I'm lucky if I get at least maybe three hours of shut eye.

"It's alright Firework. Sleep will come soon." Peaches pats my back and adds a little rub. "That isn't helping." She stops and pulls away. "So have they found the stocker."

I shake my head while sitting up. "No they said they haven't seen a man that fits the description. They think I'm crazy. But if they seen what I've seen. I would be in a mental home." She snorts at my statement but boy she has no idea. "Besides I didn't have enough info on the guy."

"Tell me. Describe him." My mind flashes back to that night. "I couldn't see his eyes and it looked like his covered his hair like he is hiding it. But he is slim but toned. Rings cover some of his fingers. Has a sharp jawline. I think I saw a few tattoos pecking out but thats all. And that he rides a motorcycle with four other guys."

I turn to her to see her thinking of the description I just gave her. "All my life I've lived here and never seen a gang like that. Maybe they are stopping by for a break and you got a little admirer before he," she waves her hands around making it seem like dust is falling. "Disappeared." I laugh at the goof next to me. But I still wonder.

I turn my attention to look at the window and I see the sun is setting creating a beautiful landscape of purple and orange. Just breathe taking to see a sight. Someone catches my eyes and it's the same guy I've been describing.

He is sitting there with a grey looking sweater. Tight black jeans with a old towel hanging from the back pocket. His eyes are once again covered with sunglasses and a helmet. He is fully turned just watching me from the other side of the street. We keep eye contact and I know I should be calling the cops but I feel drawn to him. I feel safe under his gaze. Like its only me and him.

"What are you looking at?" I snap my attention to Peaches with her wondering eyes looking at me. I turn my attention back when I hear a roar. He's gone just like that. For some reason I feel...incomplete. Sad. Shit I don't know. "Nothing."

Hours pass and Peaches and her boo are pulling me to yet another bar since I got kicked out of the other one. "Let's get burgers and fries with looooots of ketchup." I feel my stomach growel with the mention of food. "I take that as a yes." Peaches bends down and pinches my stomach.

"Sometimes I wonder why we are friends." As I laugh when see turns. "Because I met you when you were at your lowest and you love me." Mario is busy ordering the food as we have this conversation. "Yeah I do but not as much as him." Once that statement leaves my mouth. He puts a arm around her and squeezes her boob. "Yes I do. You are my world and light,
innamorato." (*sweetheart*)

"Okay you didn't have to squeeze her boob to prove a point." He shurgs as he kisses her cheek. "That's love Firework. And I'm not ashamed to let people know that this angelo mío."(*angel of mine*). Peaches puts a hand over her heart. " Idéntico amor mío."(*Same my love.*) She pecks his lips and smiles.

I'm smile too not only from their love but that the kiss didn't led to anything else. I sigh and they look at me with questioning looks. "How do you guys describe Love?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Love is and has a different meaning for everyone but what everyone doesn't know it's same thing in everyone. Everyone might see our love weird and we them but its all the same in a different way.

When you finally meet someone and become serious. You get to know them. Later you feel something but you can't explain it. You will feel something for them but you won't know what feeling it is. You feel confused. You want to stay with them. You feel hurt when they hurt. You cry when they cry. You protect to protect. You feel safe. Comfort. Happiness. Free.

It's hard to understand at first with all the emotions you feel. Its hard to say because your scared of the truth or being hurt basically but once you say it. You feel a weight lift off your shoulder. And when you do say it and get that feeling returned. You feel. Complete." As Peaches finishes as she looks at Mario and smile. Love crosses their eyes.

Our food gets here and the first bite I take a moan passes my lips. "Slow down babe I haven't asked for your number yet." I hear a guy say after hearing the sound I make. I roll my eyes and yell a quick response. "Piss it."

I hear them laugh even others behind me. I shake my head. Man. Their so stupid but we fall for them. "Jade?" I look at Peaches with a raised brow giving her a hint to ask her question. "Have you ever been in love?"

I stop eating and look down. Harry flashes my mind and only him. I had boyfriends before him and I actually thought I loved the guy I gave my virginity to but Harry is dirfferent. Complete different.

"Yeah. I have. Two years ago but I'm still am."

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Heys guys another update. I wanted to add some Italian in there because my sister's bf is actually half Italian but no he doesn't speak it.

Also threw in some Spanish because people think me and my sister are Hispanic. But no we are Black and White with a dash of German.

If the translations are wrong then feel free to correct me and google translate.

Any ways Vote. Comment. Enjoy yourself. Stay beautiful.

Til next time loves. *blows kisses*

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