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ERIC WAS ABOUT TO LIGHT HIS THIRD CIGARETTE STICK that morning when someone came knocking on his door.

With furrowed brows and confused state of mind, he walked over the door and opened it. Surprise was written all over his face. Because right then and there in front of him was Cynthia Dominguez.

He was about to say something when Cynthia leaned over and gave him a deep but abrupt kiss. Eric was so surprised that he had pushed Cynthia with so much force, Cynthia backed off.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Eric hissed, the back of his hand on his lips.

"Not what I was expecting." Cynthia replied, still surprised.

Eric ran his tongue on his bottom lip and shook his head. "Cynthia, you can't just come here unannounced and expect me to kiss you back."

"I'm sorry."

"You should be because I'm fucking pissed off."

"Look, I'm sorry okay?" Cynthia backfired, annoyed. "It's just that you never returned any of my calls or texts. I really want to talk to you."

"What's there to talk about?" Eric asked, raising his brow.

"Us. We need to talk about us."

Eric shook his head. "There's no us, Cynthia. Not anymore."

Pain crossed Cynthia's face as she sighed heavily and pursed her lips. She ran a hand through her untied hair, a nervous habit she developed whenever things don't go her way. And she clearly wanted this situation to go her way.

There was silence between them that lasted forever.

"Is there someone else?" Cynthia finally asked.

"What do you mean?" Eric replied.

"Are you in love someone else?"

Eric thought sadly about their situation. There he was, in front of the woman he loved before, being asked if he was in love with someone else. He wasn't. Or maybe he was but he wasn't sure.

Images of Dawn flashed to his mind and he recoiled to the idea that he was in love with her. He wasn't so sure about his feelings. It's been a short time, really, meeting and being with Dawn. But unlike of all the girls he went after, Dawn was probably the calmest of all the feelings he had ever felt. She was like her name, really. Dawn. Daylight. A start of the new day with new chances and new hopes.

Of hopes that maybe, Dawn wouldn't go after Kiel.

He felt a lump forming in his throat. "I..." Eric trailed off.

"Eric?" a familiar voice called out, as both Eric and Cynthia turned around to see Dawn, wearing an oversized Joy Division shirt under a pair of denim shorts and red Converse shoes.

This was the first time Eric saw her wearing shorts. And her legs could go on for days. Long, smooth legs which made his stomach churn. Jesus, why was he thinking dirty thoughts now? To think that he was even in front of his ex-girlfriend. Which would be the most awkward meeting ever.


"Uh, am I interrupting something?" Dawn asked, smiling awkwardly.

"No." Eric replied hastily.

Dawn and Cynthia looked at each other. Eric felt his cheeks were burning.

"Uh, this is Catherine." Eric said to Cynthia, motioning to Dawn. "She's my neighbor and occasionally my friend."

"Hi!" Dawn cheerily said, extending a hand to Cynthia. But Cynthia looked over her and crossed her arms instead. Dawn just smiled and waved her hand.

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