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"GOD, WOMAN. I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD HIT LIKE A MAN." Eric held the icepack gently on his left eye.

They were inside Eric's apartment and she's quite familiar now with her surroundings. There was no clutter inside but she could distinctly see a thin film of dust resting on cabinets and tables. Maybe because Eric hadn't been home for a long time. She noticed that the paintings were back on the walls but her eyes remained rooted on one particular painting.

It was a painting of two colorful giraffes, one with a scarf around its neck, riding a two-seater bicycle. It hanged solely on the kitchen counter, pristine and beautiful. Like a reflection of something strangely wonderful. Then her eyes roamed and there were additional paintings of giraffes. Portraits mostly, painted exquisitely with colorful inks and pigments. Some of them in paint and colored pencils. Intricate drawings. Perfectly made with an artist's hands. Her heart started swelling with emotions. Overwhelmed, she swiftly turned around to see Eric getting something out of the chiller. He held two cans of iced coffee and placed them on the table.

Eric motioned her to sit down. Dawn did so.

"How's your eye?" Dawn fidgeted on her seat, chewing on her lower lip, looking everywhere but Eric.

"It's okay. No harm done, though it might be hard to open my eyes for the next coming days." Eric mumbled, sitting across her.

"I'm sorry, Eric."

"I told you it's okay."

Dawn snorted. "Well, that's what you get when you don't return calls or messages to me. I was nice enough not to beat you to death because I will, if you weren't that important to me."

Eric nodded and started toying with his can of iced coffee. "A giraffe like you could stomp on me to death with big feet of yours." he laughed. He sighed heavily. "I'm sorry, Catherine."

"I was dead worried. I mean, something could have happen to you and I'll forever blame myself for not reaching out to you. I was just one call or text message away. I'm so disappointed."

"What do you want me to do for you to forgive me?"

Kiss me. Dawn was so startled with her own thoughts that she bit her lower lip hard. She tasted the metallic taste of blood as she looked away, covering her eyes with her growing bangs, pressing her lips into a thin line of disappointment to herself.

An awkward silence followed as Eric opened his can of iced coffee and looked at his companion. Dawn was looking away from him and Eric was both curious and hurt by the action. Surely he didn't look too hideous for her to turn away her gaze on him since she was the one who hit him and caused a swollen eye on him. Was he? He wasn't sure. He took a long swig of his coffee, getting annoyed already.

"So," Dawn pointed to the giraffes. She cleared her throat. "I didn't know you're painting again." she fidgeted once more before asking, "But why are they all giraffes?"

"Maybe because I like giraffes." Eric mumbled.

"Do you?"

"Why wouldn't I?" he was teasing her now. "Giraffes are wonderful creatures. Gentle and kind, they roam around land, seeing beautiful things above everyone else and yet they don't see that they are beautiful too."

Dawn grimaced. "Wow. Since when did you become a giraffe enthusiast?" she asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Since I met you."

Dawn spat her coffee on the table, feeling her cheeks in burning flames. She covered her mouth with the back of her hand. Eric raised a brow and shook his head in disappointment.

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