Chapter 1: What a Bastard!

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Joe's PoV:

"You need to lessen your breathing when you sing that part. Again, from the top. Follow me as I sing it."

Never mind I'll find, someone like youuuuuuuuu

I wish nothing but the best for you too

Don't forget me, I beg

I'll remember you said,

Sometimes it lasts in love,

But sometimes it hurts instead.

"Better, much better.  Just open your mouth more. 'Mind' and 'find'. Now sing that part alone for me." I started sliding my hands on the keys of the piano again.

Never mind

I'll find

"Okay. Good." I cut him off, and looked at my watch; it was 9:11 pm. "We'll pick it up from here after the weekend ends. Nice job Tony, just work on your breathing more."

"Thank you, professor. I sure will" My 16 year old student smiled respectfully.

I got up from the piano chair, and closed the notes in front of me as the boy started to pick up his jacket and umbrella.  It was raining again outside.

"Are you going out too?" the boy wondered, as I picked up my umbrella, and wore my shoes. I tapped my jumper's pocket to make sure that my phone was there.

I nodded in response to his question.

I opened the door to my luxurious  apartment, and Tony followed me out, the door locking itself automatically the moment I closed it behind us.

We headed to the elevator next, and parted ways when we reached the streets. I stopped a taxi, and stared at the wet trails of raindrops, racing their way down the glass as the car started to move forward.

"Where to?"

"Marcus's Pub," I crooked, and continued gazing outside.


That was all I could ever hear in my surroundings ever since I was little. In every bang, in every ruffle of a tree, and in any sound that comes from a living or a non-living thing. They all made up this magical combination, which somehow soothed me and turned into a melody.

I've been called a freak several times for thinking that way, but as I grew older I became accustomed to it that it doesn't affect me anymore. Until one day, magazines and the people I work with decided to name me something else: a genius.

It's weird how people would change their opinions of you so quickly. It's mind boggling how one day you turn from a nobody and a weirdo, into a somebody and a hero.

And that is exactly what happened to me.

My name?

Joseph Graham Sugg, and I'm 23 years old.  I'm also, a miserable and lonely openly gay adult. But who cares? As long as I'm brining money and success, no one gives a shit. And I like that. I like keeping everything to myself. I like that people are leaving me alone and minding their own business.


Well, some would label me as a composer, because I create music and sell my melodies to multiple record companies, and then somehow my work lands on the top charts.

Others would call me a teacher, because I touter musical talents in my apartment in my spare time for a month or two, ones that I select carefully with my ears and put them into work for free. Soon though, an agent picks them up and signs them off.

But I, however, see myself otherwise. I'm just a guy who is in love with sounds, and works solo. I love both human, and non-human sounds.

Yet, not humans themselves.


They're just useless, liars, and terribly obnoxious creatures. In shorts, they're too much to a person like me to handle. As long as they produce sounds that please me, I'm good.

"Excuse me Sir, you've been staring at the rain outside the window for a while now, and I need my money so I can get back to work" interrupted the taxi driver.

Oh right, I forgot that I was in a taxi.

"Err-sorry," I uttered, snapping back to reality as I reached for my wallet. I took out the money I owed, and handed it to him.

"Thank you, have a good day Sir," the driver said, adjusting his hat.  I flapped my umbrella open as I exited the taxi,

"Thanks." And closed the door.

I hated the rain, but I loved the sound of the droplets.  I hated coldness, but I loved London too much to move away from the harsh weather here.

I'm bipolar like that.

My footsteps made wet sounds, which played to my ears teasingly as I continued walking on the sidewalk, passing by chattering strangers and the smell of wet soil and cigarettes mixed together. I was headed to a small pub I enjoyed drinking in.

Something that I love other than music, you'd ask? Alcohol accompanied by it.

And Marcus's was the best at that. The owner is a friend of mine as well.

My phone buzzed suddenly, disturbing my peaceful walk. I sighed and stopped in my place, fumbling for it until my fingers took a firm grip around it and pulled it out.

I tsked when I saw who it was.

Zoe: Joe, I'm coming back to the UK in a few days. I miss you so much little bro! Expect me to pop a visit soon<3

Oh right, my older sister is finally done with her tour and she'll be torturing me for weeks with her presence. Did I forget to mention that the Suggs are musically talented? Well there you go. My older sister is a famous singer; my parents, however, are both music teachers in a school back in my hometown Wiltshire.

Me: can't have you over, I want to b-

I was suddenly crashed to the ground by a heavy shove on my shoulder, cutting me off from completing the text I was writing. I gasped as I landed, my phone flew to the air and so did my beanie and umbrella. I sat there in shock for a moment as I watched a blonde boy on the ground as well, staring at me with shocked icy blue eyes, his green hoodie covering part of his head.

"I'm so sorry, mate." He blurted with a weird accent, carrying my umbrella and phone as I quickly snatched my beanie from the wet floor, placing it back on my head in a heartbeat. I looked at him then, as we both stood up.

What the fuck? This lad is really tall.

He blinked a few times; the rain, I figured, was getting in his eyes. I darted my eyes away from his when he looked back at me,

"Ju-just give me my stuff back," I uttered in a hurry, adjusting my wet glasses as he reached out and gave them back to me. I placed my phone in my jumper's pocket once again, held the umbrella firmly above my head, turned around, and started walking again,

"I'm really sorry," he shouted behind me, as I slipped away quickly.

I didn't look back at him.

What a bastard.


Author's Note:

Guess who's back? back again? I'm back. Tell a friend.

Lol no don't.

So, here is the first chapter! Hope it was interesting enough? I'm not sure about it but we'll see.

Comment and Vote if you want.

Until next time, see ya<3

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