Chapter 26

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2 days later: ----Kian's P.O.V----
Work has been really good lately and i'm thinking about either moving back with Jc or getting my own place. I like staying with Connor and Troye but they keep acting like parents and its a little weird haha.

I walked into the living room and started flipping through channels when Andrea's picture showed up on my screen. It looked at seen that this was the news channel.

"Prisoner has broken out of jail, prison guards have reported they have not seen her since 2 days ago. If you have any contact or answers please call this hotline listed below. Remember you can stay anonymous." The news lady said. I wasn't suprised that Andrea broke out of jail considering how crazy she is. I hope they catch Andrea and she stays in jail for a long time. I could never forgive her for what she did to my baby. (A/N: #Jianforlifee)

----Jc's P.O.V----
I was at the grocery store with Jj when Kian texted me.

-Hey have you check the news recently?-

I instantly replied because I figured whatever he was talking about must be important.

-No, you know I don't watch the news lol.-
-Well I was just watching it when Andrea's picture popped up on the screen. I guess she escaped from jail.-
-Oh god, are you serious?-
-Um yeah i'm serious! When are you done at the store?-
-In about 20-30 minutes.-
-Okay because i'm missin my love.-
-Awe I miss you too babe. See you in a bit :)-

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket. And incase you were wondering yes Jian is back! I missed Kian so much. I don't know what I would do without him. I got done shopping then I headed to Kian's house. Well Connor's house, ugh you get the point.
I knocked on the door and Kian answered straight away. I smiled the gave him a hug.

"Why did you answer so quickly? What if I was a stalker?" I joked. Kian walked over to the couch and sat down. I shut the door behind me and sat down next to him.
"If you were a stalker then...well actually I don't know what I would do." Kian said and we both laughed.
"Let's watch a movie on Netflix." I said and smiled. Kian handed me the xbox controller and I went onto Netflix. I was in the mood for something scary so I picked Grave Encounters 2. Kian and I started watching it when he cuddled up against me. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on his head.
"What if Andrea comes back? Like for us?" Kian asked me, honestly I didn't want to worry about Andrea right now. All I wanted to worry about is Kian and I, I feel like that's to much to ask.
"She won't trust me, we are stronger than we were like a month ago." I told Kian, he looked up at me, smiled then gave me a kiss.
"I love you." Kian said and it filled my heart with joy.
"I love you too." I said back, I gave him another kiss then smiled. He turned back the we watched the movie and soon we fell asleep.

-Lia's P.O.V-
I walked out of cell and this time I wasn't handcuffed. If they are asking me more questions about Andrea they need to stop because I don't know anything.

"Where are am I going?" I asked the cop that was behind me.
"Someone payed your bail so your free to go. But your still on parol so you can't leave the city or anything." The cop told me, I smiled because I knew who paid my bail. I changed into normal clothes and walked out of the building. I looked for Layla until I found her running towards me. I jumped into her arms and she spun me around.
"I'm so glad you are able to come home now." Layla said and she put me down.
"Same, thanks for paying my bail." I said and I smiled.
"I only paid a part of it. So you really should be thanking Sam." Layla told me then Sam appeared from behind her.
"Thank you Sam!" I shouted and gave him a hug.
"Anything for my girlfriend's sister." Sam said.
"Wait a second, did I just hear you say girlfriend?" I asked Sam. He nodded and looked at Layla. They both smiled at each other, then Sam kissed her. "Ew, please save that for later. Like when i'm not around." I said and giggled. Layla smiled then we started walking to Sam's car and we drove to Sam's house.

What do you think about Lia getting out of jail? I think that she doesn't need to be in jail because she really didn't do anything lol. But as for Andrea, she's a crazy bitch who needs to be locked up haha. -Destiny😘

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