Chapter 11

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The Next Day (Kian's P.O.V):
I looked at myself in the mirror. I took a long hard look. As I looked I thought, 'why would Jc ever cheat on me? am I not good enough for him?' The more I thought, the more I started crying again. I cried all yesterday when Jc and I broke up. I never thought I would ever break up with Jc, it was the hardest thing for me to ever do. I love Jc even though he kissed Lia. I want to forgive him but I just can't he broke his promise and he betrayed me.

I wiped my eyes and decided to take a shower. I need to take a shower and hurry up and catch my plane before Jc comes back and we both have to go together. I got into the shower and just let the water run down my back, I wrapped my arms around my shoulders and noticed I left my shaver in here. I took the blade off and I looked at it for a second.

Everytime I thought about our break up and every word we said, I slid the blade across my wrist. I sat down in the tub and started crying. I didn't want to be here. If I didn't have Jc there was no purpose of living.

Jc's P.O.V:
"Hey Jc." Lia said and she ran to come give me a hug. I stopped her before she wrapped her arms around me. "Wha-what's wrong?" Lia asked me. I started tearing up thinking about it.
"I want you to leave me alone." I told her, trying to hold back my tears.
"Wha-why?" Lia asked me. I shook my head before answering.
"You ruined everything." I said to her. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I wiped it away.
"What did I even do?" Lia asked, how did she not know?
"You kissed me when I didn't even want to kiss you! I felt so guilty so I told Kian and now he hates me. He cried himself to sleep last night because of what happened. I hate myself for putting him through that. I love him Lia, not you. Please just leave me alone." I said and walked away from Lia. I wish I could take back what happened with Lia, ever seeing her again and kissing her. I just want to be with Kian.

Kian's P.O.V:
"Flight AA670 now departing from Rochester, New York to Los Angeles, California. All passengers please line up at Gate 15A and have your boarding passes ready. Thank you."

I got up from one of the airport chairs and walked over to Gate 15A. I took a deep breath and took out my boarding pass. After I got my boarding pass checked, I went into the plane. I sat down in a row by myself, which is was I wanted. I wanted to be by myself. I moved up my sleeve and looked at the cuts on my wrist. They were still bleeding and hurt really bad. But soon they would heal or turn to scars and I wouldn't feel the pain.

Jc's P.O.V:
I got back to the hotel room and I seen that Kian wasn't there anymore. His suitcases and stuff were gone. I searched the room to see if he left a note for me. I didn't see one until I saw that where both of our boarding passes should be, his was gone. I knew exactly where Kian went.

I raced to the airport in search of Kian. I asked the lady at one of the desks if the flight to Los Angeles, California took off already. She told me that it was just starting to take off and that I couldn't board. I walked away from the desk and ran my fingers through my hair in frustation. I needed to get Kian back.

I walked over to a big window where I saw a plane taking off. The one the lady said was to L.A. I knew Kian was on there. I placed my hand on the window and watched the plane take off as I felt tears coming down my face.

I took my hand off the window and wiped my tears away. I walked back to the hotel and fell back on the bed when I got inside. I lost the thing that matters most to me. The person that I love most, the person that makes me laugh and smile even when i'm upset, the person who tells the best jokes, the person who gives the best hugs, the person who can make your day by just smiling. I lost my bestfriend.
This is just a filler hehe sry😊 see when I see ya! xoxo, Destiny😘💖

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