Chapter 13 New Threats & Moving Out

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Rosalie's P.O.V

"Goddammit Rosalie! You had me worried sick!" My dad scowls me.

I smile sadly and say "Sorry dad, it's just some things have been happening at the moment."

"What kind of things? Are you doing fine with your pregnancy?!"

"Yes, yes. My pregnancy is completely fine."

"Then what is? Are you not feeling comfortable at where your staying?"

"No, I feel more than at home here. But I umm....the father of my baby....he uh found out." I nervously shift between my feet, biting my lip in anxiousness.

"HE FOUND OUT?! Is he taking responsibility for this, have you come to an agreement with him?"

"Yes, he's willing to be here for the baby and me. Don't worry dad, he's a good guy."

"I'll believe that when I meet him, who is he anyway?"

I meet eyes with Blake, who is silently leaning against the wall. "Blake Parker.." I answer my dad.

"How come that name sounds familiar?" My dad ponders, making me internally pray that he doesn't remember all the stories people spread around about him.

The stories mostly consisted about how he can be a heartbreaker, a player. Although once you meet Blake he seems like a total sweetheart, but then again I haven't fully seen all sides of him.

"Maybe you just heard it somewhere, anyway I just wanted to call to tell you that I'm fine." I say to my dad.

"You better call more often! I'm going to visit you soon, take good care of your baby and yourself."

"Y-your going to visit soon? Why don't I just visit you?"

"Hmm alright however you like, but I wanna meet this Blake Parker when you come visit me. Understand?"

"Yes dad, I have to go now. I love you and take care!"

"I love you too, I'll be calling you tomorrow and we'll decide on the day of the visit."

"Alright, bye dad." I say before hanging up.

"Thank you." I smile at Blake, handing him back his phone. He nods and puts it back in his pocket.

"Would you like to go on a walk with me?" He smiles warmly at me, extending his hand towards me.

"I'd love to." I grin at him placing my hand in his. His warm hand sends light, tingly sparks up my arm. It's amazing how even the slightest touch makes me feel all warm-like inside.

My heartbeat increases and my breath hitches in my throat, he interlocks our fingers and we walk out towards the garden.

As we walk around I take in the peaceful setting. The sun is shining down on the colorful flowers, which are all spread out in the grass. A light breeze blows refreshing my flushed cheeks.

"Do you want to play 20 questions?" I question Blake.

He looks up from looking at the trees and says "Why?"

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