Chapter 20

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Alan's PoV
The weeks that followed were the most peaceful ones I'd ever experienced with the exception of one or two days. The first day, was a day that Jenna approached us. She kind of apologized in a snarky kind of way, and she called me kitten but got a nasty remark from Austin which in turn got him a smack upside the head. From me, I might add.

The second day? Well, Danny and Ben decided to try and mess with me. Definitely a wrong move, and they haven't messed with me since.


I felt my back collide with the lockers as I scuttled down the easy wing hallway on my way to the lunch room from the bathroom I had just finished up in. The one on my hall was closed for cleaning. How smart. I gasped and looked up to be met by a glare from none other than Danny. His hot, rancid breath swept across my face as Ben stood behind him with thinly masked joy etched on his face.

"Well, well. Alan, it's been a while. Yeah?" He asked me.

I nodded, not knowing what else to do.

"I don't think I like your boyfriends idea of being a super hero all the time. What happened between me and Phil was none of his business." He said, swiping two of his fingers across his still lightly bruised jawline.

"I wasn't controlling that" I managed to whisper.

"Oh darling" he said pitifully. "I know" he poked out his lip as he mocked sadness. "But there's one way that I know of to make up for it. Do you have any idea what I have in mind?" He asked maliciously.

I replied with a shake of my head. I grabbed his hand as he put more pressure on my chest, causing it to tighten. "Danny please. Stop this" I choked out. "This doesn't help your case and it sure doesn't help mine either. Let's just leave this and call a truce or something" I begged.

"Oh, but when have I ever gone without revenge?" He asked as he pulled back his fist. It connected with the edge of my mouth and I felt my lip bust as the tangy, metallic taste of blood overcame my tastebuds.

He raised his fist again and I shit my eye tightly, looking away and bracing myself for the impact.

"I have no idea, but I think it's in your absolute best interest to forget about the rest of your 'revenge', Worsnop." growled a soft icy voice. I instantly felt all pressure be released from my body and just as quick, anger filled me.

Austin and Danny were staring each other down and Ben stood to stand next to Danny. Ben took a tiny but threatening step forward and Danny mirrored him and that's when something in me snapped. I launched myself at Ben and began grabbing and slapping and hitting him wherever I could. I had matched onto his back like some sort of feral cat and I found myself yanking at his hair, and pounding my fist against the side of his head.

It became a loud confrontation very quickly, with Ben yelling curse words and Danny and Austin yelling at us both and trying to tear us apart. My fists were flying everywhere not caring what they hit anymore. My hits grew weaker and soon enough I was being pried off of Ben by two teachers. Mr.Way and Rian.

Rian stared at me in disappointment and Mr.Way just looked appalled. I glanced away to see Austin holding his eye and nose both, each one requiring one of his hands.

"Mr Bruce, Mr Ashby" started Mr.Way. "You two look equally roughed up so we are going to let this one go. Boys will be boys after all. Well, in a situation like this we can say that if you both agree." He looked to us for confirmation and we both nodded vigorously but not without shooting sharp glares in each other's directions.

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