Chapter 4

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When I got home, my mom was sitting in the living room, her eyes sparkling. I barely ever saw her this happy unless my dad was home. He drives trucks cross country so we barely ever see him.

"Why so smiley, momma?" I laughed at her.

"Your dad, he got a bonus. A BIG bonus" she exclaimed, fanning herself with her hands.

"Well that's great. You haven't spent it all already have you?" I teased. She looked away instantly.

"Well. . ." She trailed off

"Mooom" I said warningly, raising my eyebrows.

"Just come see" she hopped up from the couch towards our back door. I trudged after her and she opened the blinds swiftly. There in the backyard sat the newest model Jeep. It was like, my dream car.

"Mom you didn't" I breathed.

"Me and your father have been saving for this for so long!" she exclaimed. "We always knew you just had to have one, since you saw Isobel's the year Alex's parents came down." She told me.

I latched onto her, giving her the tightest hug ever. "Dear god, mom. Thank you SO much" I pretty much yelled. "I've gotta go call dad!" I was bouncing around. I'd had my license for 3 months but I'd only driven dad's car on the occasion since he didn't use it and I never had anywhere to go.

"He said he'd call this weekend when he got the chance" said mom.

That evening, we just fangirled over my car. It was the best talk I'd had with my mom in a while. We have a healthy relationship, there's just never anything to talk about, but I told her all about the mystery kid, whose name I still didn't know, and what Aaron said and everything.

"Well I'll be damned!" She exclaimed. "I'm disappointed in Pauley" she frowned. "He will come around. I'm sure. His common sense just has to kick in. Maybe he's bluffing. Call his bluff, because you're right. That other kid probably just needs someone to stick around. It's definitely a defense mechanism" she spewed advice.

Tonight was a good, good night.

*School the next day*

First, second, and third block all went the same as yesterday. He gave me the cold shoulder when he wasn't snapping at me or threatening me.

Lunch rolled around and I decided to call Aaron's bluff. I sat right down across from mystery kid, shooting him a smile. He glared and just kept staring at the wall beside my head, as he always did. Just. . . This time my head was in the way.

It felt like he was staring directly at me. No, THROUGH me. It made me incredibly uncomfortable, but I just dealt with it.

"So, are you a junior?" I asked.

Nothing. Not even a twitch. He just sat there silently, those dark, coffee colored eyes of his glued on the wall.

I began talking absent mindedly. Just blabbering about things that didn't really matter or things that had popped into my head earlier.

"Y'know, this is random, but how was homophobia at your last school?" I asked. "I don't even know exactly how it is here. Danny and Ben are assholes regardless." I blubbered. "Sometimes, I feel like people know I'm gay" I frowned. "Like. C'mon. who just somehow gets the name 'Kitten'." I deadpanned.

Still nothing.

"I don't want anyone to know because I'm terrified of how they'll react, and I know I shouldn't be complaining because I know there are plenty of kids who get loads of shit for more simple things. Like you. They give you shit over something that isn't even a big deal." I continued on and on and on. "So what. You barely talk. I mean, yeah, when you do you're a total and complete asshole, and you're really tall and kinda scary. And you dress all dark and you have the muscles and all. Y'know what, you are actually a really sca-"

"If you do not shut that fucking motor mouth of yours, I will beat you to a bloody pulp" he snarled at me, leaning over the table into my face. "I'm so damn tired of your bullshit, I am going to finish this semester, and next year in peace. And then I will leave and never have to see or hear your pathetic, whiny ass ever again" he spat. Quite literally, spat. I felt it hit my face as he fussed me out.

I shrank back in my seat, because I didn't want to lose any teeth. I kept quiet for the rest of the ten minutes as Aaron smirked and shook his head from a table nearby. Phil and Tino didn't even seem to notice. I was pretty much gone and they were so casual.

What have I gotten myself into?

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