Chapter 17

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A/N: Wow, so this story hit 1000 reads! I'm so freaking happy! Thank you so much for all of the votes and kind words. They mean the world. This is my first fic, so I'm sorry it's not the greatest, but thank you all for being here for the ride. This most likely will not have a sequel, but I'm also not sure how many chapters it will have. Here's the story, just bear with me. (Haha. You get it? :P Here's a story, just bear with me! Met a drug that changed my life . . .)
Yeah? Okay. Anyways, enjoy<3

The kiss wasn't passionate, but it also wasn't a peck. It was a simple, three or four second innocent kiss. Unfortunately, Austin didn't kiss back and I was terrified.

"I hope that didn't ruin anything." I whispered, glancing up. His face was blank and he didn't make eye contact with me, and that scared me even more. I backed away, and my chest felt tight. I had no idea what he would do. Would he make me leave or would it be a lot worse? Would he hit me?

Me backing away seemed to snap Austin out of whatever trance he was in. He looked at me, finally, and shook his head. "No" he told me. No what? Oh god. "No, it didn't ruin a single thing" he told me, stepping forward and grabbing my hands. He leant down and pecked my lips, catching me off guard.

"Alan, you're such a fucking cutie." He told me. "I'm sorry I was ever an ass to you, and we both know you didn't deserve it. I never expected any of this to happen but I'm glad it did because you're so damn important to me already." He told me softly.

"You're important to me too." I replied, smiling.

"Alan Ashby, will you consider trying something with me?" He requested hesitantly.

"Trying something?" I prodded teasingly.

"Kitten" he warned. I grinned at him.

"Be my boyfriend." He said. "I-I know we argue a lot and I don't know you as well as a typical partner might, but I want to. I wanna hold your hand, and kiss your forehead, I wanna hold you when you cry or when you have a bad dream. I wanna be that guy." He told me quickly rushing and stumbling over his words.

I jumped up wrapping my arms around his neck. He grabbed my thighs and boosted me up before hugging me back. So I was latched onto his chest for a moment before I let go because I realized that this might be too much stress on his injury.

"Sorry!" I apologized in alarm.

"You're fine. You're so wonderful." he breathed as he stepped closer to me.

"You're wonderful too. We can learn about each other from here, seeing as we will probably be together a lot." I told him. "I'm glad you want to be with me, but in also kind of nervous about school, and I just. . . I don't know" I murmured.

"I figured that might come up. I get that you don't exactly wanna be open about it. That's okay" he said softly, but I felt like he was kinda bummed out about it.

"I really dont." I whispered.

"Well, it's getting late. We can just cuddle up here and finish the project tomorrow." he offered.

"Sounds awesome" I smiled. "lets watch Star Wars" I told him. His eyes lit up and he nodded, putting one of them in, I'm not sure which one.

He plopped onto the couch next to me and instantly wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me into his lap and we ended up splayed out with the recliner up, I had my head resting on his chest as I sat in between his legs, slumped over. He wrapped his arms around my middle and kissed my forehead lightly, smiling.

"Wanna go to bed?" He asked a bit later. "I'm about to fall asleep" he chuckled.

"Yeah sure" I replied happily. I leaned forward and the recliner went down. I forgot about that, and I fell flat on my ass, knocking the breath out of me.

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