Chapter 5

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A/N: So we are going to pretend Austin looked like this at 17.

Two weeks had passed, and mystery kid acted even more hostile to me now than he had to begin with. It was really getting me down, since I kinda gave up my friends for him. Then again, it wasn't his fault. My so called 'friends' weren't ever really my true friends anyways. That only made it worse, honestly. I had gotten a parking pass so I drove my jeep to school everyday. It drove so well. But my uncle had to teach me how to drive it without flipping it since the rollover rate was so high. It kinda made me nervous, but I caught on to his tricks quickly, and now I'm more confident.

Anyways, last night I was thinking, and I'm tired of calling him mystery kid. How is it that I haven't heard anybody call him by his name at all? Not a single time. It was always weirdo. Or freak. Psycho. All of the above.

I figured the only answer, was Oli's best friend, Josh. Josh Franceschi. He was the biggest gossiper. He knew everything that went on, and Oli probably did too. But nobody I had previously asked knew this kids name, and I knew there were some things that Josh kept to himself.

I quickly hopped onto my phone's Facebook app, and searched for him on my friends list. I opened the chat box and typed out a quick message.

Alan: "hey josh, can i ask u somethin real quick?"

I sent the message and waited anxiously for a reply. The quiet boop noise sounded on my phone a few minutes later.

Josh: "sure kiddo"

Alan: "u no the guy every1 calls psycho?"

Josh: "mhmm"

Alan: "do u no his name?"

Josh: "maybe ;)"

Alan: "joooosh"

Josh: "alan, I no all this stuff"

Alan: "what would i have 2 do 2 get u 2 tell me"

Josh: "if u truly wnt 2 no, I'll trust u and just say u owe me 1"

Alan: "deal!"

Josh: "Austin. Austin Carlile. U owe me"

I was grinning madly.

Alan: "thanks Josh! Hmu whenever man!!!"

Maybe this is another big step to getting Austin to act civil with me.

For the rest of the night, I studied four part writing for music theory. I wasn't quite catching on, and I was really getting pissed off with it. Eventually, I got so tired that I just crumbled up the paper and threw it away before turning on some music and drifting off to sleep. As I fell asleep, I tried thinking of what Josh might want me to do, and how Austin will react tomorrow. Guess only time will tell.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I plopped down in first block next to Austin. I had rushed here early so I could beat him, but it didn't work out. I set my books down and sat in my chair, one leg tucked underneath me. I couldn't help but smile as I sat. He had his legs stretched out straight, and was slouched in his chair, leaning back so his head was kind of just leaning backwards over the back of the chair. His eyes were closed, and his arms crossed. He had on a heavy, dull silvery gray colored ring on that I'd never noticed. It kinda looked like a class ring, but not from our school. Maybe it was a relatives or something. He was also wearing black pants and a plain white tee.

"Hey Austin" I blurted out kinda excitedly. I was watching him and he slowly opened his eyes and blinked before looking over at me. He looked annoyed, but also kind of surprised.

"What?" He snapped rudely. I suddenly wasn't feeling so sure of myself.

"Th-that's your name, right? Austin?" I asked, scooting away from him. Maybe if he hit me it would be a bit harder to reach me and it wouldn't hurt as bad. Right? I don't even know what's going through my head right now. I thought knowing his name would get me brownie points. Clearly not.

"How do you know my name, Alan?" He spat.

"How do you know mine?" I retorted. Bad idea.

His hand shot out as he grabbed the front of my shirt. He stood, pulling me up with him. He was a good half a foot taller than me, and jesus it had never really truly bothered me until now. He slung me around roughly and my back was against a wall.

"How. Do. You. Know. My. Name." He spoke slowly, enunciating each word. His eyes were ablaze with anger, and it felt like everything was spinning. He shook me a bit roughly. "How." he pressed.

"I-I thought it w-would be cool t-to kn-know your name" I spluttered weakly. He just stared at me. "I m-mean, I d-didn't have anything else to c-call you" I stuttered.

"Why not psycho or something?" He said almost in a whisper. I thought I had broken a barrier but I was quickly reassured that I didn't when I looked back up at him and his eyes were angrier than before. They were so dark, and cold. "Answer me" he growled.

"Th-that's not your n-name." I replied. "S-so I figured out your r-real name from a teacher" I whispered, lying through my teeth. He just held me there, his fist, including the ring, pressed against my chest harder. My shoulder blades were pressed forcefully against the wall, and my chest felt tight, like vines had wrapped around my lungs, making it hard to breathe.

"P-please let me go" I whimpered. I felt tears pooling in my eyes. I couldn't help it. I felt so shitty and I couldn't help it.

He instantly relaxed his grip and turned, sitting back down in his chair. This time, he sat straight up, staring ahead with those seemingly dead eyes of his.

I stood against the wall slightly off to his right, a bit scared to move. I felt so light and dizzy, and I was struggling to even out my breathing. I felt like I was falling through space, and nothing could stop me. I was falling, and falling, and falling. My heart felt like it had jumped to my throat and I felt like I could hear my blood pumping through my veins. It sounded like conch shells being pressed to my ears. My hands shook, and my knees felt weak as I leaned against the wall, my joints felt like they'd been buttered and at any moment Id just kind of fall apart. A single warm tear slid down my cheek as everything went blurry. I was panting, I knew it, and I thought I was going to pass out right there.

But then, just as quick as everything had began, it ended. It was like all of my senses came rushing back, and I could stand again. I still stood against that wall, wiping that one single tear from my cheek. I had no idea what had just happened, but I could tell anyone and everyone that I never, EVER wanted to feel it ever again.

I sat back down and I didn't say a single word to Austin for the rest of the day. I still say with him at lunch and during my other two classes we had together, but I said nothing. When he said he'd beat me to a bloody pulp, I believed him. I didn't want that. I didn't want to make an example of myself. So I just sat and stared like he always did.

I thought I could break down a wall, and he proved me wrong. Oh, so wrong. I couldn't ever break those walls.

Little did I know, I had. But I also triggered some of the defenses.

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