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Warning Dylan's dream is graphic not suitable for younger readers
{Dylan's DREAM} Setting Dylans bed room Kaley is laying on the bed in Dylan's blue sweatshirt and her sweat pants. Dylan is walking over to her wearing black sweatpants his gray tee and favorite necklace. He gets in the bed and says "hey baby" without saying a word Kaley kisses him with tongue and he slides his hands around her waist. She slides them down to her butt. Dylan leaving his hands in there place stops kissing her and says "are you sure babe" and she whispers in his ear. "We met 5 years ago and are still together this is your anniversary present" she bites his ear. They continue making out and she pulls off his shirt. All there clothes quickly end up on the floor they grope each other and make out passionately.....(fill in the blank)..... Laying naked they look deep in each others eyes and say "I love you Kaley" "I love you too Dylan". He tells her "baby I've waited this long to see you naked will you get up and do a little turn for me" She blushes and does as he says. He looked her up and down as he said "Baby you're perfect" and wakes up. Thinking What a dream.

{Kaleys DREAM} Setting windy evening on a empty hill at the park in her neighborhood they are having a picnic Kaley wearing a black crew neck covered in pictures of doughnuts and black leggings Dylan wearing blue jeans and under armor sweatshirt {in pic above} he feeds her a grape and they lay down looking at the clouds he rolls over on to her and kisses her lips she flips them both rolling over further toward the slope of the hill and kisses him he rolls them over one more time and they roll down the hill and begin to laugh at the bottom of the hill he kisses her cheek and the get up and race to the picnic basket "Dylan!" She yells playfully as he grabs her waist and picks her up. Next Kaley awakened. Thinking what a Dream.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please comment what you think and if you want more dreams!!!!!

Age is just a number (A Dylan Dauzat Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now