Snap me out of it

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{Kaley's POV} I've been pretty jealous lately of my friends going to dance camp without me. So I have gotten more in to Dylan's videos I even watched some twice. I also followed him on Twitter. Dylan has a lot of girls chasing after him no wonder he is single if he got a girlfriend it would be "cheating on his fans" and he would probably lose some of them and his girlfriend would get a lot of hate. On a more positive note I decided to get a snap chat and snap him. At least I think that's what you do I don't know I'm still getting used to it. I felt like I knew him and he deserved to know me I snapped him 6 videos of me to explain how I lost my mojo because I'm not as pretty as my friends or old enough or short enough or maybe my Carmel skin is too close to milk chocolate. It felt good to get it all out but I was still sad. I probably should have put it all here in my diary instead of sending it all to him.

The next day I saw that Dylan had "snapped me back" with a video saying "You're beautiful and perfect don't ever change". This blew my mind he actually saw my videos and replied. Well I was honest in the beginning no going back now at about 5 I replied with a video saying "perfection doesn't get rejected maybe I was perfect last year but it's gone now" . We went back and forth till about one in the morning. I learned more about him than I had anyone else and I told him things I'd never told anyone. I shouldn't have told him so much it was just in innocent crush but now it may become something more. I've never had a boyfriend before how could I date Dylan and LONG DISTANCE. Oh my god my mom would never go for it we are 4 years apart and if Dylan finds out my age he would brake up with me. I would have to hide the relationship from my mom, how could I hid the pain of being broken-hearted. Maybe I worry to much..... NO I should seriously stop messaging him.

{Dylan's POV} I can't believe such a gorgeous girl could feel this way about her self I HAVE to snap her back "You're beautiful and perfect don't ever change" send. Sees reply"perfection doesn't get rejected maybe I was perfect last year but it's gone now". She blows my mind how could she feel that way ugh it makes me angry that a beautiful girl belittles herself because of school and dance. "Babe it's there loss I don't want to make you feel worse so let's talk about something else what's ur favorite color?" {Conversation continues and finishes} I can't believe I talked to her so long, she is so great I hope she knows that now.

The next morning sends snap to Kaley {in above picture}. I'm going to set up meet and greet weeks in all the Southern U.S. States. Hopefully I'll meet her....

Age is just a number (A Dylan Dauzat Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now