I cant belive this is happening

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Warning Dylan's thoughts get a little graphic if you skip nothing will be missed from story

{Dylan's POV} she sat down and looked away "is that your body's way of telling everyone you want to do it" damn she probably doesn't know what a boner is "yes Kaley, it's called a boner" I felt sick I was basically teaching my girlfriend male anatomy I'm so glad she started to speak again "Dylan how long does this last do I need to do something do you need to be alone" Omigod wtf do I say to that uh baby if u suck my dick it will go away NO she is 13 crap what can I tell her that won't freak her out um "it will go away it just takes time put on Friends and I'll invite you back up here when it's over" how do I get rid of this quickly um what did they say about this in health....... I remember the blood rushed to my dick so it stood up the best way to move the blood without her noticing is probably gravity which means I should lay on my back that will probably make her more uncomfortable I'll just tell her "Baby I'm not doing anything nasty but it's best if you don't turn around" "K" she replied she is suddenly so cool with this? Doesn't matter I just need to lay on my back and hope gravity does the trick. It worked but after 2 minutes I'm sure she's nervous now. "Baby everything is back to normal now get up here" She turned around looking deeply into my eyes and kissed me it was long and without tongue but I could feel the passion. My tongue slipped past her lips and she pulled away looked down at my crotch and saw my new boner kissed my cheek and sat back down turned away from me on the floor and said "worth it" I simply replied "worth it."

{Kaleys POV} I sat down and looked away Omigod I turned him on "is that your body's way of telling everyone you want to do it" I hope I didn't give him a boner "yes Kaley, it's called a boner" I felt sick we said no sex but apparently his boy parts missed that conversation I started to speak again "Dylan how long does this last do I need to do something do you need to be alone" Omigod please answer me "it will go away it just takes time put on Friends and I'll invite you back up here when it's over" Omigod I want to kiss him or do something to make this go away. "Baby I'm not doing anything nasty but it's best if you don't turn around" "K" I replied please please please don't do that thing where you have sex with yourself especially not in my bed I'm freakingout.What felt like 2 hours later Dylan said "Baby everything is back to normal now get up here" If we got through this we can get through anything I turned around looking deeply into his eyes and kissed his lips it was long and passionate . Until his tongue slipped past my lips. I pulled away I'm to scared to do that oh I bet he has another boner that's a good excuse to stop I looked down at his shorts and saw a new boner kissed his cheek and sat back down turned away from him on the floor relieved and said "worth it" then he replied "worth it."

{Dylan's POV} Another 2 minutes passes by again my boner is gone and I say afterwards "Baby" she turned around and grabbed my hand and said "lets go downstairs" when we got downstairs she hopped on my back for such a tall girl she doesn't weigh much I playfully ran around the house with her on my back. I put her down and she huged me just like before tight and cozy. "I love you Kaley" I said and she leaned back with our hands still around each other's waists and said "I love you too Dylan" then Kissed me and after that I went to my hotel .

{Kaleys POV} Another awkward few minutes pass by and Dylan said "Baby" I turned around and grabbed my hand and said "lets go downstairs" when we got downstairs without thinking I hopped on his back. He playfully ran around the house giving me a piggy back ride. He puts me down and she I huged me him I love him so much. "I love you Kaley" He said ahh music to my ears I leaned back without letting him go and said "I love you too Dylan" then Kissed me and after that he left to get ready for more meet and greets.

Age is just a number (A Dylan Dauzat Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now