Hey whats up

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{Kaleys POV} I was about to do the scariest thing in my life but first I had to ease him into it "I have to ask you a question" Dylan Replies "ask me anything baby" Omigod I can't believe I'm about to do this (hits) send "Are you doing these meet and greet weeks to meet me?" My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach he probably thinks I'm self centered.

{Dylans POV} She replied "I have to ask you a question" it's probably nothing big I don't need to overreact "ask me anything baby"  Kaley replies "Are you doing these meet and greet weeks to meet me?" Omigod I can't believe she figured it out well I knew she was smart but was I really that obvious?! If I reply no I'll be lying and I might not get a chance to meet her. I have to tell her "Yes, I thought our connection was so strong and I couldn't wait to meet you, will you be there?" Kaley replies "no I'll be home all day the whole week ur here😔" She's not even going to be there she'll be home.

Age is just a number (A Dylan Dauzat Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now