Meeting Each Other

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{Dylan's POV} today's the day I'm going to meet my girlfriend I mean girl meet my girl we're not dating I hope we will be soon though.

{Kaleys POV} Today's the day my brother will be in camp I will be home with Dylan I mean alone home alone. Just in case I'll get my work out over with by 9:45 so I can shower and put on my black leggings with my pink oversized VSPink shirt that has a open back. It's 10:50 I'm dressed and sitting on the couch watching friends on Netflix.

{Dylan's POV} I hope she likes my outfit (black and silver Bulls snap back gray hoodie hood down blue shirt jeans with some black converse).

{Kaleys POV} At exactly 11am Dylan rings the doorbell. I jump up thinking could this be him? I go and look through the peephole and Omigod it's him. I slowly open the door he was playing with his fingers then he looked up at me and said "Hi" . I felt so bad I made him more nervous than me I invited him in then said " don't be nervous I'm the same Kaley from snap chat. I looked at him as we sat on the couch and said "man, you eyes are such a beautiful green we could make a beautiful baby" I'm so stupid I immediately blushed and said "Omigod did I say that out loud?"
Dylan started to laugh and so did I well, that was one way to brake the ice.

{Dylan's POV} Wow she is so much more beautiful in person I can't ask her out and she looks a little young. Kaley said "man, you eyes are such a beautiful green we could make a beautiful baby" I couldn't help but laugh she is so cute especially when she's embarrassed. "Baby do you want to come over here and cuddle" Kaley paused ugh I'm so stupid always moving too fast. Kaley broke the silence with "I have to tell you something first Dylan" why did she call me Dylan is this that serious what if she already has a boyfriend. Well I guess all I can say is " tell me anything" she began "you know so much about me" I nod "but you don't know my age I'm.....I'm 13

{Kaley POV} "Baby do you want to come over here and cuddle" I paused thinking yes yes so much yes but I have to tell you my age. I broke the silence with "I have to tell you something first Dylan" Dylan said "tell me anything" why does he have to be so perfect it only makes this harder "you know so much about me" he nods "but you don't know my age I'm.....I'm 13"

Age is just a number (A Dylan Dauzat Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now