We're Dating!

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{Dylan's POV} Lunch was so great she can really cook but I need to man up and ask her out "Kaley will you officially be my girlfriend?" I couldn't wait for her to say " yes" without thinking I said " baby those two seconds waiting for your answer felt like an eternity" why did I say that I'm so needy she replied "baby I'm flattered" Omigod she called me baby "but seriously again I'm really sorry about the avoiding you a while back" she is so sweet I replied "all that matters is your here with me now" she is so beautiful but then she said " yeah about that this was great and I had a good time but you have to go." What I just got here was I too needy was I too forward about the sex thing earlier she started to speak again "my mom gets home at 5 and I have a lot to do" I nod unsatisfied and we walk to the door maybe I should I grabbed her hands once we got to the door lost in the moment and lean in for the kiss I want more that anything and she let my hands go and said "bye Dylan" I lean back and look at her thinking I'm going to kiss her then I quickly kiss her cheek and walk to my car. I drive off thinking I'll be back tomorrow 11 o'clock Sharp.

{Kaleys POV} After lunch he asked me " Kaley will you officially be my girlfriend?" and I said yes. He replied quickly "baby those two seconds waiting for your answer felt like an eternity" he is so cute I replied "baby I'm flattered" Omigod I  called him baby but it felt right "but seriously again I'm really sorry about the avoiding you a while back" he is so handsome he replied "all that matters is your here with me now" Oh no after that, I had to say " yeah about that this was great and I had a good time but you have to go" he was confused so I continued " my mom gets home at 5 and I have a lot to do" he nods and we walk to the door he grabs my hands I get lost in his eyes and no wait this is way too fast I let his hands go and say "bye Dylan" he leans back and looks at me then quickly kisses my cheek and walks to his car.I wave goodbye and close the door oh how I wish that cheek was my lips.

Age is just a number (A Dylan Dauzat Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now