*12* Frozen In The Mist

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We get to the entrance of the track and start back to my room.

"She does but she sees no issue with what she is doing." Bradly agrees with me a little harsh.

I shrug my shoulders and he puts his arms around them causing me to smile. Back at my room, I see our father standing at the door talking to the officer who I slammed the door on. Bradly stops and I stop beside him.

"You don't want to go back, do you?" I ask already knowing his answer.

"No, but I messed up. Besides, being in jail is the only solitude I have away from the drama." He hangs his head. "I know that's seriously messed up, but it's better than being home or running around the streets, dealing drugs, Allyira. Much better."

We walk up to father and Bradly holds his hands out. "I am ready."

The cop looks at Bradly and then to father, then back to Bradly, but this time as if he has lost his mind. I smile at Bradly due to him trying to hide the smirk that is trying to sneak up on his face. However, the cop looks confused at Bradly, Bradly slowly puts his hands down; confused at why the cop hadn't cuffed him. He turns to father.

"I posted your bail, son," Father explains to us.

I am happy, but Bradly is not. The hidden smirk turns into a scowl for a split second, I think I am the only one that saw it anyway. "Oh?"

Our father's excited facial expression drops some in concern. I am sure that father is thinking how ungrateful Bradly is seeing that is all father used to tell me every time he would bail Bradly out of trouble when Bradly was growing up. "Son, you are free until your court date."

Bradly's expression twists in red anger. "I did it. I sold drugs. . . I see drugs." He corrects his tense.

"I will take that as a confession." The cop cuffs Bradly and with a smirk on Bradly's face the cop escorts him out of the hospital.

Once again, I can feel a horrible sense of anxiety building up as I watch my brother be cuffed again and hauled out by the cop. I go back to my room and sit down on my bed and do the breathing exercises I read online to calm my nerves.

My father comes in and sits in front of me in a chair that he pulls up. I feel like I could cut again, but I already made a lot for this moment.

"You okay, sweetie?" He asks me patting my knee.

I sigh. "I don't want him to go."

"Yeah, but he seemed kind of bent on going. It's going to be okay, Allyira. Your brother knows how to take care of himself."

I nod. I know that Bradly will be happier there. I guess it's just my own selfishness. "What are you doing here?" I ask father with raised eyebrows and trying to put my brother going to jail aside.

"Caroline had a check up for fake labor pains. So when she was finished, I came to see you." He smiles.

He and I talked about Caroline possibly having twins or a really big baby. After he found out I was getting tired, he leaves. I lay down beginning to get sleepy. I look at the clock and it's only three twenty-eight pm, afternoon. I do think Dr. Patterson had given me something in the middle of the night last night. Because I had a hard time sleeping, but IF she did give me something she failed to inform me that it would knock me out the next day. Sleep finally takes me.

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