Youtube Boys

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I'm Kaley and I'm about to go to High school this is my last regular summer. Well at least it was supposed to be. All my friends made the East High Dance/Drill Team but some how I didn't. The judges probably thought I was too tall. Did I mention that I was both the tallest and youngest girl trying out. In my defense It's technically not my fault my birthday's in August (so I'm still not 14) and I honestly didn't choose to be 5' 10'. Anyway I also play basketball well used to I'm not trying out for the high school team there is no way I would make it I'm way too weak. So all I have to look forward to after this summer is turning in my summer homework and studying for my advanced classes.

Lately I have been on Netflix and YouTube. FYI there are boys on YouTube! I had no clue during the year I didn't have time for YouTube so I only knew of like 2 YouTubers but there are SOO many more. I watch a lot of Josh Tryhane but someone who always makes me smile is Dylan Dauzat I've watched a few of his videos. He is pretty cute if I could meet him that would be so cool but he lives in Louisiana and I live in East, Texas {fake}. I guess meeting him will always be a dream...

Age is just a number (A Dylan Dauzat Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now