Chapter 17 Why

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Elsa' POV

Jack drove me home. I still can't believe I'm pregnant. At least it's with Jack. I love him and he would be the perfect father. He walked me to my door.

"Please... come in!" I offered. Jack sighed.

"I'm sorry Els I can't. I have plans with my dad.''

''Oh ok." I open the door and walk in. He leans in for a kiss but I just shut the door before he could. Something tells me he's lying. I pick up the phone and call his phone.

'Hello?'His dad picked up. Great

"Hi Mr. Overland Frost it's Elsa." I could her him cheer.

'Oh Elsa what a surprise! How are you?'

"Good thank you."

'So why'd you phone? Jack isn't here.'

"I... I didn't want to speak to Jack."


"Yea. I was wondering if you and Jack have plans?"

'No not that I know of. Why?'

"Because now I know Jack was lying to me. Thank you."


"Umm... could you please not tell Jack I phoned?"

'Of course! Bye dear.'

"By Mr. Overland."

'Please call me dad.'

"Ok... dad." I hung up the phone. So now I know Jack is for sure lying to me. But was is so important that he has to lie. I don't know but I change into more reasonable clothes. I put on a red no sleeve shirt that frills out at the bottom. And I also put on my favourite white jeans and black converse. I walk back into the living room and call for a taxi.

When it comes I tell them to drive to Jacks house. I see his car in the drive way.

"Can you stay here for a bit?" The driver nods.

"Thank you." I exit the taxi and head to the door. I look behind me before knocking. The driver is still there. I knock on the door and almost instantly his dad opens it. He laughs and hugs me.

"Elsa what a surprised!"

"Yeah. Is Jack here?" He dads face went from joy to concern.

"Yeah he's in his room with one of his friends."

"Thank you." I say as I step into the large house. I head up the stairs to his room. From the hallway I can hear people talking but it sounds mumbled. I open the door slightly. I pear in. Jack is on top of Tooth... KISSING HER!

"J... Jack?!" I burst into angry tears. He stops cheating on me with that... that MONSTER.

"E... Elsa?! I didn't see you there!"

"I could tell!" I slam the door shut and storm down the stairs. I can hear Jack following me.

"Els wait! Please!" He pleads. I open the front door and head towards the taxi. He grabs my wrist trying to make me stay. I turn around and slap him. I storm towards the cab.

"Elsa what was that for?!" He hold both on my wrists this time. I struggle to get free as I cry.

"Let me go Jack!'' He let's go looking angry and confused. I turn to him, crying up an ocean. He tries to wipe away my tears but I slap his hand away before he could.

"What has gotten into you Els?"

"Don't you DARE call my that anymore!" I point my finger at him angrily.

"And I could ask the same about you! What were you doing with that... that WHORE!" I scream. I could see Jacks dad walk out the front door out of the corner of my eye.

"Calm down Els!"

"I said to NEVER call me that again!" I scream behind my tears. I could see the other neighbours coming out of their houses to see what the yelling is about.

"Ok. And Tooth is NOT a whore!"

"Oh so you love her now? Don't you?!"

"Elsa I love you." He grabs my hand. I pull it away angrily.

"Don't touch me ever again! Don't speak to me ever again!" I start to walk to the taxi. I grasp the door handle.

"I loved you Jack! I gave you my body and mind. I was ready to leave it all for you!" I wipe away my tears. Jack walk closer to me slowly.

"Elsa I'm..." He says softly like he actually sorry. Well he should have thought about it before he cheated on my with that SKANK!

"I loved you Jack!"I through the engagement ring on the cement.

"But clearly you didn't feel the same way." I start crying pain a heartbreak tears. I open the taxi door and start to lower myself to sit down. He grabs my hand.

"Good bye Jack." I whisper and shut the taxi door behind me. Now the whole neighbour hood knew. I look behind the taxi. Jack was just standing there, with the ring in his hand. He didn't do anything prove to me he truly meant he loved me. I start to cry loudly.

"Are you ok?" The taxi driver asks me as he looks at me through the mirror. I nod quickly.

"Y... yeah I'm fine." I wipe away my helpless tears.

"Hey," he stops the cab at the stop sign. He looks into the back seats. "My wife left me for someone with more money." I looked up at him.

"I... I'm sorry."

"No don't be. She was a pig anyways. Literally!" I laugh a bit which cheers me up a bit.

"I just don't understand. He proposed a couple days ago and we just found out I'm pregnant!" His eye widen.

"Wow I'm sorry. It must be hard." I nod and start playing with me fingers. My phone starts to ring. I look at who it is.

"You going to answer it?'' He asks and starts driving back to my house.

"No. It's that Jerk-of-a-fiancé." He laughs a bit as he pulls up to my house.

"How much is it?"

"It's on me. You've been through a lot."

"Thank you. I wish more people were nice like you."

"Hey I'm just doing my job!" He arguses. I laugh and step out of the car. Before shutting the door I say to him.

"You should keep it up! You will make a lot of people happy!" He jus nods in response. I shut the door and he drives away.

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