Chapter 10 Lets Go

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Merida's POV

I wake up, remembering I'm going to the mall with Elsa and Anna. I put on a beige shirt with a bear in the middle of it. Then some jean shorts. To go I put on knee high socks and dark red converse. I quickly make my bed and leave my room. I jog down stairs, phone in hand.

"Where ya goin lad?" My father asks as he slams his drink onto the table, making it spill across the table. Mother gives a disproving look.

"I goin to the mall with ma friends, Elsa and Anna!" I open the door and step out.

"Ok dear, have fun!" My mother says. She doesn't have much of an accent. But father and I have some on one. Mine comes and goes. I leave my house and call a cab. It arrives shortly and I get in. I tell him where to go but tell him about a short stop at my friends house. We get to Elsa and Anna's house. They're standing in the front yard. I open the back door of the cab.

''What are ya waiting for?!" They run to the cab. I move over one seat. Anna goes in the middle and Elsa on the other end.

Soon we are at the mall.

Elsa's POV

We were at the mall. Mer payed the driver and apologized for us being so loud. Anna, Mer, and I walk into the mall. Lights were everywhere. People, none of them the same. People with red, green, blue, and even more colours in their hair. It looked amazing. It was nothing like where we lived with mom and dad. The only mall had three stores, each one for hunting.

"Come on now!" Mer shouted, signalling for Anna and I to follow her. I ran to Mer's side. We went to a escalator and stepped on. Slowly we made our way to the second floor. When we got up, the first thing I say was a store. 'Blush' it read. Mer took Anna and I by the wrists and pulled us to Blush. It was filled with dresses. Pink ones. Yellow ones. Short ones. Long ones.

"Is... is this heaven?!" Anna asked. Mer and I laughed and walked in farther. There was so many. Anna quickly ran to the dressing rooms. Holding 20 maybe 30 dresses in her hands. Clearly she didn't see the sign that said 'Max amount. 6'.

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