Chapter 16 I Don't Know

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Jack's POV

I was still there. Laying in Elsa's bed, with Elsa in my arms. She had fallen asleep so I am stuck like this. Don't get me wrong, it feels amazing to have my fiancé in my arms. But it's kinda cold so I would just like my pants back. Suddenly it kicked in. The realization that I was completely naked with Elsa, also completely naked sleeping on me.

I could feel my cheeks heating up and my heart beating faster and faster. I guess Elsa could hear my heart beating faster 'cause she opened her eye's and smiled at me. I smiled through my red cheeks.

"What time is it?" She shuffles off of me and rolls around a bit. Her eyes widen and she pulls the blanket up to her chest. Even though the blanket was covering everything, I guess she was still nervous.

"5:15." She turns to look at my confused.

"The time. It's 5:15."

"Oh ok." She sits up and the blanket drops as well as my heart. She gathers her clothes and gets dressed into what she was wearing before... stuff happened. I sit up as well, but have a blanket around my lower waist. I walk towards where Els was, 'cause my clothes were there to. I put on my pants quickly and try to find my sweater. Els has it in her hands. She through it on the bed and walks to me smirking. I gulp. She puts her hand on my chest. She moves it down lower and lower. Out of surprise at where her hand was close to I jump a bit backwards. She laughs and walks to me, putting her hands around my neck. Out of habit I put mine on her hips. She smiles and kisses my shortly and softly on the lips. She pulls away and continues to smile.

"This is perfect.'' I hear her whisper.

"I know." I agree. She pulls away from our embrace and takes my sweater. She passes it to me without saying a thing. I smile, taking it but not putting it on. Instead I put it on the ground and walk towards Els. She walks back and falls down on the bed. I crawl over top of her and smiles. Somehow my maneuvered her way to be on top of me. She smiles, putting her hand on my cheeks. I leans down and kisses me, taking control. I kiss her back and pull her under me. I smile and continue to kiss her. My fingers run through her soft hair. She pulls me down lower while I am still on top of her.

I roll over beside Els. She looks at me as I look at her. I stand up first, offering her my hand. She takes it but a soon as she takes one step she collapses. I catch her before she hits the floor.

"Elsa?!" I check her pulse. She's still alive. I pick her up bridal style and walk to the living room. Anna is talking to a man who I think is Kristof. Anna looks at me but then see's Elsa in my hand. Her hands go over her mouth in shock.

"Call an ambulance!" I order. Kristof runs to the phone. Anna runs to Elsa.

"What happened?!'' She asks genially concerned for her sisters well being.

"I don't know but we need to get her to the hospital!'' Kristof hangs up the phone and runs towards us.

"They're on their way!" Anna starts to cry

"Don't leave me Els!" She sobs.

Elsa's POV

I open my eyes. I see Jack holding my hand. It looks like he has been crying for a while.

"Jack?" He looks at me smiling trying to hold back tears. His eyes weary and his skin pale.

"Jack whats wrong? Where am I?''

''You're in the hospital." His smile disappears a bit. What the hospital?! I try sit up but Jack keeps me laying down.

''Jack why am I here?" He sighs a bit.

"You passed out in your room with me. You didn't wake up for a hour. They are running some tests."

"Tests?" Jack was about to open his mouth when the doctor came in. I sit up not letting Jack keep my laying down.

''So we ran some tests..."

"And?" Jack interrupts. The doctor clears his throat and continues talking.

"As I was saying... we ran some test and you are perfectly fine... but" The doctor continues.

"But?!" The doctor looks at his clip board and looks at us again.

"Ms. Arendale do you know the side affects of child birth?" That's a weird question

"Yeah isn't it nausea?"

"Yes but it can also be fainting. Ms. Arendale... you are pregnant." P...pregnant?! Didn't Jack and I use.... wait, we didn't! Oh God I Am pregnant!! Jack looks at me. He was surprised and happy at the same time. For me, I was just surprised.

"P... pregnant?" I stutter.

"Congratulations Ms. Arendale." The doctor exits the room, leaving me and Jack.

"Jack?" I ask

"Yeah Els?"

"Are you prepared to be a father? We aren't even married yet?!"

"Els," Jack takes hold of my hand. "I'm ready when you are." I smile. He is... amazing.

"Thanks Jack. Now can we leave here?" Jack chuckles a bit.

"Sure Els." I helps he stand up. We walk out into the waiting room to Anna and Kristof.

"Elsa!" Anna runs up to me I hug her softly.

"What did they say?!" I gulp. How do I say this.

"Anna," I smile "You're going to be an aunt!" She lights up, but doesn't explode like she normally does since we were in public.

"You... you mean..." I nod and start crying.

"I'm pregnant!" I can see Anna just exploded inside.

"Oh my GOSH Els!" She squeals. I giggle at her. I linch my arm with Jacks.

"I'm going home with Jack now." I pat his chest. He smiles and leads me out door.

"Ready?" He asks looking at me concerned.


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