Chatper 5 New Love and New Enemies

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Jack's POV

"Ok." I reply to Elsa as she runs to her bedroom. I lean against the wall beside the hallway and look at the tv.

"Oh your here?!" Elsa's sister turns to face me.

"Come please take a seat." She encourages me to sit down on the couch.

I walk slowly and sit down on the couch next to her.

"So... are you interested in my sister?" Anna asks trying to be serious.

"Wha...!" I stutter and my cheeks flush. She gasps excitedly.

"You do!" She practically screams.

"Ok yea I do but keep it down!" I shush her. Anna squeals than coughs

"So what are your intentions with my sister?" Anna tries to be serious again but can't hold back her smile.

"WHAT?! NO INTENTIONS!" I am shocked at her question. She breaks out in laughter.

"Not like that silly!" She rolls back on the couch laughing her head off. I blush

"Oh. I don't know yet. Maybe ask her out?" Anna gasps with excitement again.

"YES!!" She grabs my arm waving it up and down.

"You two would be perfect!" She yells again.

"Shhh." I shush her again.

"Im sorry I can't contain it!" She squeals. Suddenly I hear a voice.

"Jack you can come in now!" Elsa was calling.

I stand up and start to walk away.

"Go get her tiger!" Anna says to me as I reach the tiny hallway. My cheeks turn pink. I get to Elsa's door and open it. Elsa sits on her bed. Now in a grey crock top with some words on it but I couldn't fully make it out, and her hair was out of its french braid. It reached her mid-back.

I couldn't help stare at her. She looked absolutely beautiful.

"You ok?" She asks me.

"Oh...y...yeah." I stutter. I couldn't help it. She was the most beautiful being I have ever seen in my life.

"Shall we begin?" She asks. I nod quickly and walk into her room and shut the door behind me. As I look around I see all the details like the sky blue walls, the one small window that looks over to a cross the street. Elsa pats the bed signalling for me to sit beside her. I sit down quietly beside her.

"Are you sure your ok? You seem a little odd." She asks me again. I want to tell her but I'm still worried. I don't want to freak her out.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lie "So did you have anything in mind?" I ask changing the subject.

"Actually yeah." She passes my a book. I open it and look at the words written down.

"This is actually really good." I pass the book back to Elsa. She blushes and looks down smiling. When she looked up I released how close your faces were.

"Listen Jack I..." I cut her off. I put my hands on her neck and lean in forwards.

"Jack what are you doing?" She puts her hands on my chest. I continue to lean in until out lips touch. I closed my eyes. I could feel Elsa relaxing in the kiss. I pull away and look into her eyes.

"I...I'm sorry Els I didn't mean i..." I was cut off by Els starting to speak.

"No It's ok. I just wasn't expecting my first kiss to be like that." I was shocked.

"That was your first kiss?" I ask.

"Guilty." She giggles and looks down.

"Yeah." I mumble and look down at my hands.

"Do you want to go out?'' I ask Els and she looked completely shocked. "With me.'' I continued.


"It's ok if you say no."

"Jack." She laughed a bit and kissed me once more on the lips quickly.

"I was going to say yes!" I light up like a Christmas tree. I was about to hug her when my phone started buzzing. I picked it up and held it to my hear.

"Hello?" I ask

'Jack where are you? Dad is freaking out and so am I!' Em sounded panicked.

"Don't worry Em I'm at a friends house just doing a project. I'll be home soon." I reassured her.

' Ok Jack. Be safe!'

"I promise Em. I got to go know bye."


I look back at Elsa who looked concerned.

"I have to go Els. My sister and my Dad are panicking."

"Ok." She smiled faintly.

Els walked me to the door.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked me. I held her hands and looked into her sky blue eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I started to walk away when she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her. She pushed our lips together. As she did so she also put her hands around her neck. I put my hands on her waist and pulled us closer together. It was passionate, never like what I had with Rapunzle. This was real.

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