Chapter 13 I Will Always Love You

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Jacks POV.

The sun was shining through a window, landing in my face. I open my eyes. The first thing I see is a blue ceiling. I look it my side, seeing Els sleeping peacefully. My arm around her. I move my arm and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, reviling her beautiful face. She moves a bit and opens her eyes. I smile as she looks at me. She smiles back then stretches.

"Is this a dream?" She asks tiredly. I smirk at her question.

"No Els it isn't." She sits up, swinging her feet over her bed, reviling her bare back. Suddenly the memories flood my head like a tsunami. Like the way we kissed, the feel of her soft skin, and the way I proposed.

Elsa's POV

I feel a hand moving my hair behind me ear. I move a bit and open my eyes. Jack smiles at me. I slightly blush. I smile and stretch a bit across my occupied bed. It felt like this was heaven. It was absolutely perfect. Waking up with the man I love.

"Is this a dream." I ask still partly have asleep. I can almost feel Jack smirking.

"No Els. It isn't." Jack replies to my question. I sit up, swinging my feet over my bed, revealing a floor covered in clothes. The memories take over my mind like an invasion. I remember the way I felt when Jack kissed me, the way he made me feel when he touched me, and the way he felt. I looked down, seeing my exposed body. I grab the blanket, covering myself. I hear Jack laugh a bit. I feel the bed move when he sits up. I look behind he, seeing Jacks bare back. My heart starts pounding hard and I feel happy, and exited. Why?

Jack looks at me and smiles. He leans towards me kissing me in the lips. He puts his hand through my hair and I put mine on his neck. He pulls away, looking at me with his hand still in my messy hair. He smiles.

"I love you Els. Even if your moving away, I don't care. I want to be with you." He moves his hand out of my hair and pulls away. He stands up, holding a blanket around his waist. My heart started pounding in my chest again when I say his chest. It was demanding to be let out. I cleared my throat and stood up, with a blanket rapped around me as well. Jack chuckles and kissed me. I kiss his back but then feel my blanket falling down and quickly pull away, lifting my blanket back up. Jack chuckles at me, making my cheeks burn up furiously.

"You never fail to amuse me Els." He smiles, tucking a piece of hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"I love you." I whisper as my eyes tear up.

"Don't cry Els. Everything is ok.'' He wipes a tear away from my cheek. I smiled and whipped my eyes.

"I... I should get changed." I stutter releasing I was still naked.

"Umm.. yeah same." Jack blushes which cause me to smile. Jack picks up his clothes from the floor. I walk to my closet and pull out a blue tight crock top and white jeans. I turn around. seeing Jack with his back turned to me. I dropped the blanket on the floor and start to get dressed. As soon as I finished getting dressed a pair of arms wrap around me. Jack sways side to side. I sway with him. I turn around, holding both if his hands.

"Why do I feel like this?" I ask. Jack smiles.

"It's called love."

"Why does it hurt?" Jack sighs a bit

"Because it's real." He smiles and kisses me slowly on the lips.

"I love you Frosty." I whisper softly.

"And I love you Snowflake." He whispers back. I move backwards remembering about Anna.

"Oh crap! Anna!" I panic. Jack puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Els. Let's go." He takes my hand and I take his. Our fingers intertwined as we exit my room. Anna is on the phone again with what sounds like the same person from last night, so she was no busy to notice me and Jack.

"Ahem." Jack mumbles. Anna turns around and frantically faints.

"Ok. Well I have to go ok? But is it still ok? Perfect! bye.'' She hangs up the phone. She squeals, running on the spot.

"OH MY GOD! YOU TO!!" Anna runs to both of us, hugging both of us. Jack and I are to shocked to hug her back. She pulls away, trying to contain her happiness.

"So is Jack finally my brother-in-law?" Anna asks squealing again.

"Anna its not like that!"I look at Jack as a blush. In his face I see shock, embarrassment, and hints of sadness. I feel so bad for him. He proposed and
I said no. I said no. The realization just kicked in. I said no to the man I'm in love with. Why?! Why am I so stupid?!

"I should get going.'' He look at me with more sadness now. I walked him to his car. He got in and rolled down the window. He tried to smile but he couldn't. I started to cry.

"I love you. And I always will, even if you find someone better."

"Jack please... don't say that! I would never love anyone else! I love you and only you!'' I was now in tears. He leaned through the space where the window should be and kissed me once more on the lips. He put his hand on my cheek. His eyes started to tear up.

"Good bye Els." He went back into his car and started the engine. He left. I didn't have a chance to say goodbye.
I stumbled into the house. Clasping as soon as I stepped into the house. Anna ran to my side.

"Elsa what wrong." I looked up at her in tears.

"Why do we have to move?!" I hugged me.

"Elsa we... we aren't moving." I spoke

"W... what?!"

"I spoke to the people. They said that since we are doing so good here, we should stay." She smiled and hugged me again. I pushed away from her hug.

"That means... Jack!" I stood up and ran out the door. I saw Jacks car two blocks away.

"Jack!" I yelled as I ran as fast as I could. He was at a stop sign.

"Jack!" I yelled again. He pulled his car over and stepped out.

"Elsa?" He asked loudly so I could hear. I was only half a block away. I embraced Jack when I reaches him. He hugged he. I hugged him tighter, not letting him go away.

"What's wrong Els?'' He asked pulling away from the hug.

"Jack... I'm not moving!" I wiped away my tears. Jack looked completely shocked.

"Y... you're not?!" I smiled as I cried. But now happy tears.

"No Jack! I'm not!" He smiled, lifting my into the air and twirling me around. He put he down with his hands on my shoulders. I smiled back and kissed him. He kissed me back with his hands in my hair.

"That's amazing Els!" He smiled at me. I wiped away more tears.

"I... I don't know what to say!" He replies to his comment.

"You don't have to say anything." I smiled. He kissed me once more. Bit this time we had to lean against his car for leveraged.

"You should be getting home Els.'' He smiled, holding back tears.

"I don't want to leave you!'' He took my hand in his.

"You won't. I'll come visit you tomorrow, and everyday." He smiled. I hugged him. He lifted me up the the legs and walked my the passenger side. Before he let me down I kissed him. He kissed me back before pulling away.

"Els you know what happened last time we kissed like that." I smirked.

"I know." I kissed him again. This time he didn't pull away, but lean in more. He fell into the car as the door swung open. We stopped kissing and looked at each other. I was sitting on top of Jack as he was practically laying down. I blush. He kisses me on the top of me fore head and moves over to the drivers side.

"Let's get you home now."

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