19- Wolverine

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I trudged downstairs, bleary eyed. My stomach rumbled, but the tugging of my heart was what had really woken me up. Along the way down the many carpeted corridors, I passed Kitty and even Banshee, one of Professor X's oldest friends. I greeted them politely, for they weren't the ones my heart yearned to see. Finally, I reached the kitchen, and my eyes landed on a head of brown hair.


She had her back against me, and was chatting with Bobby. I leaned on the frame of the door, watching them, watching her. She had been much more open these days, forging friendships with the other mutants. At first, they did not know how to react, for she had always shut herself away, but she easily charmed them with her friendly ways and genuine smiles, and before long, she was fast friends with many of them.

I smiled to myself, pleased, for I knew that I had a part in this. Coaxing her to come out of her shell, bringing back smiles and friends into her life. Suddenly, the other kitchen door swung open, startling all of us. A hulking great figure entered the kitchen.


Alex squealed and jumped up. She ran towards Wolverine, knocking the kitchen stool along the way, and launched herself into his open arms.

"Oh Wolverine, I've missed you so! Where have you been? Are you going to stay? How are you?"

Alex's voice was muffled, her head buried against his neck. Wolverine's face was twisted in an amused way, and he pulled Alex up, giving her a twirl. Alex laughed freely. I couldn't help it, I smiled too. She looked, and sounded, so much like the kid she was, which in a way made my heart squeeze. She was a kid, and I was an adult; I shouldn't be having these feelings for her.

Finally Wolverine set her down, although their hands were still around each other. Wolverine looked down at her, with an expression a father would have for his favorite daughter. To be honest, I had never seen this gentle an expression on his face; Wolverine looked very wild, with barely-there scars on his face, that even when he smiled, which was rarely, he looked like he was about to attack you.

"Alex, you look wonderful! And so grown up too! I mean, look at you!"

With this, Wolverine dragged Alex towards the windows, so he could see her better. None of them had realized that I was there, though.

"You're absolutely glowing! No more of that quiet, depressed girl I met just six months ago! Wow, I'm impressed! Wait a minute. Alex, are you seeing somebody? Have you met a guy?"

Alex stuttered, and although I could not see her face, I could tell that she was probably blushing furiously. My heart sank. I had never considered the possibility that she could have a boyfriend... but who was he? As far as I knew, Alex doesn't have any friends here, except for me and Rogue...

No she doesn't. A little voice in my head spoke. She's been much more friendlier these days now, perhaps she met somebody already. Someone her age. But who? Pyro?

My shoulders sagged. No longer was I in the mood to have breakfast. My lips turned downwards out of their own accord, and I turned to leave the kitchen. My movement caught Wolverine's eyes, though.

"Ah, Scott! Haven't seen you for some time. Still babysitting, I see?"

I rolled my eyes, as I turned back to face Wolverine. Suddenly, though, my vision was obscured by a mass of brown strands. I stiffened, before realizing that Alex was in my arms.

Alex was hugging me, brown eyes shining with happiness as she looked back up at me, smiling. To say I was surprised would be an understatement, but it was definitely a pleasant surprise. I hugged her back, my hands wrapped around her small waist, breathing in her strawberry scented hair before setting her down. She had her hair in adorable pig tails, but some strands had escaped the elastic band. I gently tucked the stray hairs behind her ears and smiled back, exhilarated by her enthusiasm in seeing me.

Today was gonna be a good day after all.

Wolverine smirked, and signaled that we should sit at the table. Bobby made to leave the kitchen, though, and mumbled something about another match with Pyro. I smiled down at Alex and pulled her to the table, our fingers entwined without either of us realizing it. We took a sit beside each other, while Wolverine sat across us, his dark eyes taking us in. I kept a straight face, but Alex immediately started chattering.

"Wolverine, you still haven't answered my questions! How long? Why? When?!"

Wolverine gave her a crooked smile.

"I'm sorry Alex, I really won't be able to stay here. I'm off on a mission; I've been trying to recruit more students; to locate mutant children who need help. The only reason I'm here is that this time, I'm going with the Professor; he thinks we might stumble across Magneto in one of our travels, and he wants to be there. Which brings me to my point. The Professor wishes to see the both of you in his study, before he leaves. And since we're leaving very soon, I suggest you both go upstairs to see him."

We nodded, and got up. Alex gave Wolverine a final hug, and made him promise that he would visit as often as he can,  before bolting upstairs to her room to get changed. It was just me and Wolverine in the kitchen, a strained silence between us. Clearing my throat, I made my way to leave,  when Wolverine suddenly kicked my shin underneath the table, and fixed me with a deadly stare.

"I don't know what's going through that head of yours, and I would rather not know, but I believe that I should remind you: If anything, anything happens to Alex, I hold you accountable. And responsible. And I won’t care whether or not its your fault. I will come for you, Cyclops, if you hurt Alex, or if you let her get hurt in even the slightest way."

And without waiting for my retort, Wolverine left the room, leaving me alone with tears of pain in my eyes.

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