XXIII. Is It A Deal or No Deal?

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Kon-kon-kon'nichiwa, minna-san!

Hey, everybody. What's up? I'm trying to finish THA before August 25, so Leafa-san is b-a-c-k. Since this is the 23rd chapter, after this, we will have two more chapters, and this beloved book will be over.

Awww. I know. But, hey, we had a good run.

So, let's begin! CVSF, like always.

Byeonara abscissa.


"Is it a deal or no deal?!"

Well, that's actually a good question coming from Bickslow. As I kneel in front of Mirajane with a small opened box in my hand in the middle of the guild hall, I'm still not sure whether she's going to accept my proposal or not. She seems to be stunned, just staring at the box then staring at me then staring at the box again. But, who am I to blame her? She's stunned, for Pete's sake.

"Laxus...," she mumbles.

"Just answer. My legs are kinda hurting."

"Really now?" she asks, smiling. "Laxus, I really want to accept your proposal. But, the thing is... don't you think we're going a little too fast?"

So, it is a no. My face drops at her words. All our efforts are useless. Mirajane closes the box with a thump, and everyone sighs before returning to whatever business they have. I stand up and dust my pants off before putting the box back in my pocket.

"I mean, we're not even dating again," she tells me, trying to assure me that she's not rejecting me.

"You want me to try again?" I ask her.

"Of course, I want you to try again," she answers. "If you asked me to be your girlfriend earlier instead of asking me to marry you, I would have accepted. I'd like to... relive the happy memories we had."

She holds my hand gently, and when I look at her, she kisses my cheek. This is the kind of romance I wanted: light, tasty, fluffy, like an omelet. And, I'm glad that I have that kind of romance right now.

"So, anyway, your food is on the table," she says to me. "Time to get back to work."

Yet I can still see the hesitation in her eyes. So, when she turns away, I grab her by the shoulder and turn her around. She looks at me in surprise and a little fear.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you anymore."


And so, Fairy Tail disbanded after the Tartaros Incident. I had to find a place to stay at, because my apartment was wrecked. Everyone went their own ways, and no one knew where the hell Natsu and Happy went except for Lucy. Seven months after the disbanding, I received a letter from her, saying that, if I'm able, I could go back to the guild and rebuild it as the seventh guild master. But, I'm no longer in the mood. I wrote a letter to Erza, saying that she should be the seventh guild master and that there's no need to reply or to find me.

Just send Mirajane my regards, was the post-script.

Now, I am a lone wolf, wandering through the streets of Fiore with a group of friends I call the Thunder God Tribe or the Raijinshuu. Well, I don't usually call them over anymore. That's why I said lone wolf.

Tonight is a breezy Thursday night, and I'm in a clothing store in Crocus, trying to find me a good coat after my favorite one was torn in the accident. I haven't bought a coat in months, mainly because Bickslow had given me a long-sleeved shirt that fit me nicely and didn't cause me much hassle.

"Sir, you're not supposed to remove that," one of the store attendants says to me as I attempt to remove that little white thing on the coat. "That's the tag. If you steal the coat, an alarm will go off."

"Sorry 'bout that," I tell him. "My girlfriend's usually the one who buys me my clothing."

"Where is your girlfriend?"

"I'm gonna go look for her as you look for your sense of privacy, yeah?" I say, frowning at him. "Don't be a nosy bastard. You only have one nose, so use it wisely."

"Laxus, don't be rude," Freed tells me as he enters the store. "I'll be the one buying your clothes, Laxus."

"Thanks a bunch, Freed."

I often wonder why Freed doesn't get a haircut and why Bickslow doesn't need a haircut. I swear, I have the weirdest friends ever. As Freed buys my clothing using my credit card (!!!!!!!), I go outside to take a deep breath and relax. There's a bench nearby, so I sit on it.

When a woman carrying a lot of stuff walks by me, I extend my foot out, so she falls. Haha, typical prank. Then, I pretend to be surprised just to help her up.

"Sorry about that," the woman tells me. But, I'm not surprised about her kindness. I'm surprised by her voice, the familiarity of it. "I'm just in a hurry, I'm so..."

"Mirajane?" I ask as the woman removes the hood of her winter coat.

"Excuse me? It's Myra." the woman asks. Unfortunately, she isn't Mirajane, and her voice doesn't sound like Mirajane's anymore.

Stupid freaking imagination. Not now.

I pick the woman's things up and she thanks me before leaving. I watch her as she leaves. It's freaky how I thought she was Mirajane. Maybe, I just can't get over Mirajane.

"Laxus, here you go," Freed says as he gives me the paper bag with my coat in it. "Bickslow is waiting at a restaurant. Let us meet him there."

I follow Freed and enter the restaurant. Apparently, Bickslow has been seated a minute before we came, so he hasn't ordered, thankfully. After all, when it's Bickslow who orders, it always isn't good. Mischievous son of a bastard.

"Yo, Laxus!" he exclaims as we sit down.

"You don't have to shout," I tell him. "Geez. It's been months and you haven't changed."

"Well, change isn't really my thing," he replies. "I'm more of a... stay-with-what-you-are-and-what-you-have guy. But, that's what makes me the ladies' man, right?"

"Nope," Freed says as he motions a waitress to take our orders. "You barely look like a ladies' man."

After the disbanding of Fairy Tail, Lisanna and Bickslow had broken up because she, Elfman and Mirajane had to leave. Bickslow was so upset and frustrated and sad that he wanted to go with them. But, Elfman had stopped him, also breaking up with Evergreen.

Look at what you've caused, old man, I think as I recall the old Makarov. So many breakups and endings of friendships with that stupid decision of yours to disband Fairy Tail, even though I know why.

"Good evening, good sirs," the waitress greets us as she hands us our menus. When I look up at her, I see Mirajane again. "What would you like to order?"

"Mirajane?" I ask.

"Sorry, sir. It's Jane," she answers, pointing at her nametag. "Anyway, sirs, what would you like to order?"

"Salisbury steak with a side of fries and broccoli," I say immediately. "And iced tea. I gotta get some fresh air. Excuse me."

"Laxus, hey!" Bickslow shouts as I run outside of the restaurant. "Hey, I'm gonna eat your food if you don't return in twenty minutes!"

When I'm outside and far away, I sit on a bench nearby a bridge and sigh. I should really stop mistaking people for my ex-girlfriend. It's getting crazy. Ten minutes later, I get up and start to make my way back to the restaurant. Wouldn't want Bickslow to eat my food after all.

That's when I pass by a lady. I turn around and see her wavy white hair being blown. The winter wind usually does that to people's hair. This time, no doubt, it's Mirajane.

"Mirajane!" I shout, desperate to know if it really is her.

The woman turns around and gives me a shocked yet happy smile.

"Laxus, hello."



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