XX. Possible Futures

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Kon'nichiwa, minna-san!

So, did you like the previous chapter? The fierce arguments and all that were intense. Hope you liked it. Anyway, you know what to do: CVSF. Comment, Vote, Share, Follow!

This is a little shorter than usual, but I hope you like it. I've written some half-baked quotes in there... if yer gonna use it, do the disclaimer or something. LOL. Let us begin!

Byeonara simile.


"So, basically, shark fin soup is bad."

"Yes, Happy," I reply, smiling. "The shark fin comes from the shark, and if its fin is removed, it can no longer swim. Instead of being the predator, they would become the prey."

"That's horrible. As much as I love fish, I hope they wouldn't do that to sharks," he says.

"I agree," Lucy adds.

"But, shark fin soup is delicious!" Natsu exclaims. "You can't deny that!"

"Any food to you is delicious, baka," Gray says.

"The hell did you call me?!"

"You heard me right, baka."

It's been two days ever since the fight between Laxus and Bickslow have started. Even though Laxus told me he would definitely reconcile with Bickslow, it seems like he doesn't have the guts to do it. It's awkward between the two of them, with Freed being a bridge between the two of them.

I'm worried for Laxus, though. If he continues being like this, he wouldn't get the chance to apologize. Bickslow would go astray, and there's a chance that the two may never become friends again. Lisanna told me that, whenever she asks Bickslow about Laxus, he would simply shrug it off and avoid the topic as much as possible.

"It's no use," Lisanna says as she approaches me. "It's just no use. There's no way that those two would become friends again. Whenever Bickslow arrives, Laxus would either visit his father in jail or go on a mission with Elf-nii-chan, because Freed and Ever are on Bickslow's side. Luckily, Elf-nii-chan is kind enough, knowing the situation between the two of them."

"What is it about?" Lucy asks as she prevents Natsu from eating another food that has shark's fin in it.

"Bickslow and Laxus argued two days ago, and it ended badly," Erza says as she eats her strawberry cake. "Even though everyone knows about it, they're doing nothing about it, afraid to get in their way."

"Are you afraid too, Erza?" Gray teases, snickering.

"Would you like another punch, Gray?"


"So, what are you two planning to do about it?" Happy asks. "I mean, I know Lisanna is dating Bickslow and all. And, Mira's close with Laxus. But, hey, even if you can do something about it, will it work?"

"We don't know what to do about it quite yet," Lisanna answers sadly as she looks at Bickslow, who is literally a guild hall away from Laxus. "If we were to do something, it would work a little. But, as we all know, Laxus is stubborn and Bickslow is easy to be annoyed by complex things. It just wouldn't work out."

"That's terrible. If those two don't reconcile, well, what's the point of having the Raijinshuu team if the leader is nowhere with being friends with the members?" Lucy says.

"We should formulate a plan to make them reconcile," Erza insists as I give her another slice of cake. "First of all, we have to convince Laxus that he shouldn't be like that. He's the one who started the fight, and he should be the one to finish it."

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