Chapter 39

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*Javi's POV*
*Next Day*

Let me put your mind to rest
I'm nothing like that other guy
Ima put yo ass to bed, just call me a lullaby
Believe it, believe it

Girl I'll be your quarterback, receive it
Go deep, baby work them lips no time to speak
When I lay back, shawty don't know how to act
She ready when the lights go off she climb on top
Her body rocking we don't stop
No handle bars or falling off, cause

I was just about to get into the song when Yasmin knocked on the bathroom door.

Me: Im in the shower

Yasmin: hurry up my mom is waiting

Me: damn okay

Today me and Yasmin are going to have dinner with her mom. That's why I was trying to jam with my boy August but Yasmin had to kill my vibe. I was trying to jam.

I got out of the shower and I damn near broke my neck going in my room.

Me: Damnit Ace come pick up your fucking toys

Ace: Mom said don't cuss at me

Me: well then pick up your toys and won't have to cuss at you

Yasmin: I know you didn't cuss at Ace

Me: Yasmin he almost made me break my neck

Yasmin: Cuss at my baby again and I'll break your neck

Ace: Daddy mean

Ace started crying and ran over to Yasmin. She picked up Ace and walked down stairs that little conniving 3 year old he wasn't even really crying. I walked in my room and got dressed.

When I walked out Yasmin was still comforting Ace. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. Damn why I always gotta be the bad guy. I went in Jasmine room to get her I know my baby still on my side.

Jasmine: dada

Me: That's right baby it's Dada come here

Jasmine: DaDa

Me: Daddy's baby still loves him

I carried her in the living room and Yasmin once again rolled her eyes when she saw me. I know she ain't finna go to her moms house all mad and shit. We got in the car and she was silent.

Me: Yasmin why you so quiet

Yasmin: don't talk to me Javier I warned you about cussing at the kids

Me: I know you said they'll pick up bad habits and it affects them mentally

Ace: Daddy mean

Me: I'm sorry Ace

Ace: you mean

Me: Dang Ace I said I'm sorry

Ace: No

Yasmin: Javier the 3rd you aren't excused from not picking up your toys either

Ace: mommy mean daddy mean

We pulled up to her moms house and Ace wanna act grown like he can get himself out of his car seat. I let him struggle and I grabbed Jasmine. Yasmin let Ace out but he didn't jump in her arms as usual he jumped down and hurt himself. He started crying and she picked him up. I just kept walking.

Jasmine: dada kiss Ace booboo

Me: Ace will be okay

I walked into her moms house and I was greeted with a big hug and she gripped my ass.

Me: hey now let's not do that

Momma G: Hola

Me: Not the butt

Momma G: it's just so perky

Me: Here take the baby and grab her

I handed her Jasmine and Yasmin came in with Ace. He had stopped all that dramatic crying. We all sat down to eat.

Momma G: When will you marry my daughter

Me: soon

Yasmin: momma don't start this conversation I've tried

Me: I'll marry you baby trust me

Yasmin: I know

Momma G: what are you doing for Navidad

Yaz: Spending time with as a family

Me: buying the kids everything they want

Momma G: mocosos malcriados

Yasmin: They aren't spoiled

Momma G: He has earrings

Yasmin: he wanted to be like Javi

Me: yeah my boy wanted to be like his daddy

Momma G: when I was a kid we didn't have all that

Yasmin: you grew up different

Momma G: do they even know their heritage

Yasmin: yes they do we always tell them about papa and abuela and abuelo

Momma G: take them to Puerto Rico

Me: And Mexico too right

Momma G: Don't joke

Me: I'm not we'll spend Christmas in Puerto Rico and New Years in Mexico

Yasmin: take a 3 year old and a 1 year old to Puerto Rico and Mexico

Me: why not my grandma took me to my uncle Pedro's house when me and Jai were 5

Yasmin: I don't know about it

Ace: México

Me: Vámonos a México mi amor(let's go to Mexico my love)

Yasmin: you know I can't resist when you speak Spanish,fine we can go

Momma G: fantástico

Me: te gusta cuando hablo español(You like it when I speak Spanish)

Yasmin: Sì papi

Me: Vamos ir a casa( let's go home)

Yasmin: okay mom lunch was lovely but we must be getting home

Momma G: vaya fácil en ella(go easy on her)

Her mom is too crazy we said goodbye and got a ton of leftovers and once we got in the car Yasmin went back to the Mexico conversation.

Yasmin: are you sure it's a good idea to go to Mexico and Puerto Rico with them

Me: get them their shots and they should be fine

Yasmin: if you say so

Me: it'll be fun

Yasmin: and why won't you marry me

Me: I will babe I will

Once we got home we put the kids to sleep and we went in our room to watch tv. I wasn't really in the mood anymore. We cuddled and watched tv.

Yasmin: deja tienen el sexo(let's have sex)

Who am I to deny my woman's needs. We had We going to Mexico and Puerto Rico sex.

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