Chapter 15

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*Yasmins POV*
I laid in bed sniffling and I heard my door open and in it stood a sleepy eyed Ace. He looks so much like Javi. He even acts like Javi. He sat on the bed next to me and laid down facing me. He just stared at me with his dark brown eyes. He kissed my forehead and just looked at me. This boy is weird.

Ace: Mommy don't cry

Me: Ace mommy is sad

Ace: Don't be sad mommy

Me: mommy is trying not to be sad

Ace: Do you want Dwaddy

Me: Yeah Ace I want daddy

Ace: well go get him

He is so innocent its painfully adorable. I laughed at his response and told him go get dressed cause we are going to go see Javi today maybe he'll wake up cause I don't want to wait weeks before my baby comes home. I went in the nursery to get Jasmine up. Javi put this nursery together by himself and I sat and watched him and laughed. He painted this room a beautiful shade of light pink and white. He put her name in big white letters above her crib. He really loves his baby girl and she really loves her daddy. She's a daddy's girl all the way. As I stood over the crib looking at her she woke up and stared back at me with eyes just like Javi's. I picked her up and gave her a bath she was crying her head off like someone was murdering her. I sang to her to calm her down and wrapped a towel around her. I wish Javi was here to watch her while I got ready. I put baby lotion on her arms and legs and she just giggled. " Silly girl what's so funny" I said in my baby talk voice. I put her in a pink and black dress and put pink socks on her. I kissed her and put her in her baby swing while I went into the bathroom. I yelled to Ace to watch Jaz if he was ready. I got dressed and put on a pair of Javi's joggers and a white tee. I put on my white and black KD7. Ace was standing near the fridge as if he was sending the signal he was hungry."We're going to McDonald's" I told him picking up Jasmine and grabbing his hand.

We stopped by McDonalds so I could get me and Ace something to eat and took our food to the hospital. I made my way to Javi's room and Doc, Beast, Ray, and Puff Puff were there. I was shocked to see them there.

Me: Hey y'all

Ray: sup lil mama

Beast: Sup Yaz

Puff Puff: yo rican you bring me some food

Me: Umm no I didn't

Puff Puff: and that's fine

Beast: you stay hungry Puff

Ray: Yeah man we gonna have to change your nickname

Me: Has he been awake

Doc: nah but a fine ass doctor was in here and she said she'll be back later to run more test I tried to tell her I was a doctor too

Me: and what she say

Doc: What kind of doctor so I told her the kind that make you feel better she just laughed and walked out.

Ace: mommy sandwich

Me: here yo go baby

Just as I opened the sandwich to give it to Ace I could've sworn Javi mumbled something. And when Ace went to sit down. Javi moved his hand. I ran over and grabbed his hand." Javi if you can hear me squeeze my hand". I sat waiting for him to squeeze my hand it was a faint squeeze but a squeeze. I got so excited cause that means Javi is somewhat responsive. I sat at Javi's bed side and kissed his cheek. His eyes shot open the moment my lips touched his check. I jumped back a little because he startled me. He let out a little chuckle then he winced in pain. He didn't look like himself his eyes didn't have the same sparkle in them. He was a little pale but other wise he's my Javi. He tried to sit up but winced in pain once again. I told him to lay down and just relax.

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