Chapter 24

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*Shays POV*

I didn't sleep easy at all thinking about my baby. Thinking about Ray and just thinking about me. The doctor is discharging me and I really don't want to go home without Junior. That's what I've been calling him for the time being. Ray came in around 5:00 this morning. I just want my baby to be okay I'm already in love with him so much.

Ray: Hey baby how are you this mornin

Me: Still missing him

Ray: let's go see him

Ray put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me down to the NICU to see our baby. We walked over to the incubator and our son still laid there motionless and lifeless. It hurts to see my baby like that and Ray cried the first day now he kinda sits there and stares. He walked over to the incubator and put Juniors hand in his.

Ray: Hang in there Kingston

Me: Is that the name you picked for him

Ray: my great great grandfather's name was Kingston Rahawn Deshields and he was a fighter just like my son so I like the name Kingston

Me: I like it but middle name

Ray: let's pick that together

Me: lashawn after my dad

Ray: okay and who's last name

Me: yours silly

Me and Ray sat and stared at Kingston until a nurse told us that it was time to go. I blew Kingston a kiss and was wheeled to my room. After I got ready Ray put me in the car and the car ride was silent. When we got in the house I noticed a hole in the wall and an empty bottle of Jack Daniels on the coffee table. I knew Ray got drunk last night but he must have been mad last night. I went to sit on the couch and I saw Ray's gun. I wonder why he had that out.

Me: Ray whys your gun out

Ray: babe I'm going to be honest with you. Last night I was going to commit suicide. I blame myself for what Kingston is going through.

Me: Ray don't blame yourself okay baby don't you ever try some shit again. My son is trying not to die and you're trying to die I can't lose both of yall.

I started crying and he held me and ran his fingers through my hair. I love this man and I love my baby boy and I want us to be together as a family. I heard Ray sniffling. I looked up at him and his eyes glistened. I kissed him and wiped his tears. We sat on the couch and cuddled and talked about Kingston. We will be a happy family one of these days and I can't wait.

*Lavan POV*

I hate myself for hurting my sister and my nephew. Shay says she'll never forgive me but I know she will eventually. That little guy is a fighter and he'll make it I know he will. My little nephew has to make it. He's so innocent and because of my anger and being dumb and not thinking I nearly killed him. I don't even know the little guy and I'm so attached I can't believe I almost caused he's death. My nephew doesn't deserve to be laying in there clinging to life and not being able to do anything on his own and why. Me and his dad can't get along and I had to pull out my gun. I laid in my bed and I went to sleep.
Not much of an update sorry guys but next chapter will be better I promise. And don't be silent readers


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