The Bonds That Tie

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Rose came back to consciousness slowly, not wanting to wake up, but needing to find her duvet, as she was a bit cold. She had just had a very wonderful dream, where she and her Doctors had a threesome on an uninhabited Earth like planet. And oh, the things her dirty mind came up with! She blamed Jack's influence, and Jake's too, while she was at it.

She moved, and- oh, okay, so maybe it wasn't a dream after all. She opened her eyes, and saw a brilliant blue sky, just a bit darker than Earth's.

She started laughing.

The part human Doctor watched his two hearted counterpart making love to Rose with interest. Rassilon, he was a skinny bloke, properly skinny, all angles. How Rose could stand to be with either one of them, he didn't know.

She was obviously enjoying herself, though. She had even attacked him. They both had given a little laugh at his yelp when she pushed him back, though it wasn't long before she squealed when he took control again.

Part of him wanted to rip his other self off of her and never let him touch her again. It wasn't about jealousy. Oddly enough, he felt no jealousy for his other self, had even helped get them together. It was about possession. This body of his was born in fire and rage. And much like the body he was in when he first met Rose, he was prone to baser instincts. He didn't know how much of that this time was from the human in him, and how much was because of being born in battle. But in the end, he didn't think it mattered much.

A bigger part of him wanted to join in. To make the mental connection with both. To worship at the temple of the Wolf. And by worship, he meant fuck her until she was cross-eyed and didn't know her own name. But they'd have to work up to that sort of thing.

He enjoyed feeling the sparks of pleasure from both of them through the bonds they all shared. The natural bond he shared with his other self, and the bond he shared with Rose. The bond with Rose was a teacher/student link, so it would be easier to teach her the more intricate bits of telepathy. He suspected that it was morphing into a more intimate type, because he shouldn't be able to feel anything from her.

He had known his counterpart would want to touch Rose mentally, especially now that he knew about her abilities. His other self hadn't had real mental contact with someone who he wasn't trying to get answers from since the War. His first mental contact was during the first time he laid with the woman they loved, who was also a telepath.

He watched them carefully, knowing that she'd give everything she could, and he'd forget himself and take everything she gave, and it might be too much for her. That's why he had warned her about the intensity.

Things seemed to be going well though, until orgasm struck. She had cried out his Name when they came. Then they both passed out. Both of them, not just her. Crap. That wasn't good. That shouldn't have been possible.

He couldn't feel anything through his bonds with them while they were unconscious beyond the presence of the person on the other side of the link. A quick fingertip on Rose's temple told him that the two of them had created a bond, but only the same kind that his own bond with Rose might be morphing into. Not the unbreakable bond he had feared. How would she have known his name then?

She was also okay, just sleeping for the moment. He checked his twin while he pushed him off of Rose. The idiot shouldn't have went so deep like that, he knew better than that. Maybe they shouldn't have done this, not today. Not so soon after the emotional revelation Rose had. He hated himself. They should have waited until she had time to process it.

Then it hit him how she could have known his name. The gold in her eyes. He wondered if she'd remember it when they came to.

He sat there looking at them, eyes roaming over Rose's body, thinking about what he was going to do with her next time. He did promise a rut against the wall after all, which was a fantasy he had maintained since he was all ears and leather. He had a great many fantasies from that time, all of which he could probably do now. He wondered if she'd mind bondage. Maybe he'd bring it up next time she wandered off- Stop it! The saner parts of his mind yelled at him, berating himself for being a lecherous old man, staring at an unconscious and exposed Rose like that.

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