The Tyler Clan

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He flipped the de-materialization lever, and exclaimed, "Allons-y!"

"Oh, so that stuck then? I wondered if it would," mused Rose, who remembered a happier time right before running into Torchwood.

The Doctor in blue laughed and exclaimed, "Oh, yes!" as the TARDIS began the materialization sequence.

Rose couldn't stop herself from asking, "Did you ever get to meet an Alonzo?"

The Doctor in Brown looked up at Rose and exclaimed, "Yep!"

"You did it, didn't you? You said-"

"Allons-y Alonzo!" Rose and the Doctors all said together as the re-materialization sequence finished.

Jackie was a bit shell shocked, but this was absurd enough to pull her out of her thoughts and look at the three of them like they suddenly grew extra heads, which made Rose laugh. She muttered something about them being daft, but was cut off, because suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Donna, who was the closest to the door, walked over to it and opened it. "You must be Donna Noble. Hello, I'm Pete Tyler. I'm looking for Jackie and Rose?"

Donna smiled widely and opened the door wider. "Come right on in Pete. Rose and Jackie are right here. I'm sure they will be happy to see you."

Pete stepped inside, handed Tony to Jackie, who was crying softly, and took a quick look around. "Wow," he said in a rush of breath, then stepped back outside and walked around the TARDIS very quickly. The people inside heard him speaking in wonder. "It's one thing to know about it, another entirely to experience it."

Rose looked over at the Doctors, both of which had identical amused expressions on their faces. She loved this part, but had only seen it a couple of times.

Pete barely got in the door again before Jackie was on him with Tony in a three way hug. The little boy was tired and confused about the fuss, and no one was going to tell him that he could have lost his mother that day. Pete walked over to the jump seat, put Tony on it, and strode back over to his wife. He took Jackie's face in his hands. "Jacks, what were you thinking? Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? Rose told you!" Pete was furious, but more glad that his wife was okay than anything else.

"I couldn't leave her, Pete, she wouldn't tell me what she was going up against, but she took the most powerful weapon she could!" Jackie defended herself.

"Which is why you should have stayed put, Jacks. You could have gotten yourself killed!" Pete closed his eyes for a moment and gathered himself before he continued. "Worked out for the best though, dinnit? We're all in one universe again. Just, please, don't ever do anything else like that..."

Rose tuned out of that conversation and brought her attention to Donna, who was sitting down on the jump seat next to Tony. "Hello Tony, I'm Donna..." she started. That conversation then proceeded right into the usual question and answer session that all three year olds have with adults they just met. Rose smiled and shook her head at the story Tony was telling Donna about how much he liked zeppelins.

She turned her gaze over at the Doctors. Both of them were standing near the console. The one in brown fiddled with things on the console near the monitor. The one in blue was on the opposite side, leaning against it, arms crossed and taking everyone's reunions and conversations in.

Pete then turned around to talk to the Doctor that was leaning against the console. Rose didn't catch any of that conversation though, because she had turned her focus to the Doctor that was over by the monitor. He was obviously brooding.

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