Donna's World

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Warning: mentions of character death, reversed character death, but they still died.

Chapter Text

The Doctor woke up with a start. This was the first time since the Time War that he had slept and dreamed and not had his head filled with death, destruction, damnation, devastation, demolition, desolation, deterioration -lots of d words really. No, instead of the usual tormentors, he had his head filled with images of a golden goddess, tormenting him in a different way.

It was a good thing he hadn't slept in the same bed as her last night. He got out of the bed and hopped in the shower, letting the hot water invigorate him.

He got out of the shower and considered his mug in the mirror. At least with this new body, he didn't have to learn to recognize himself, which was good, because he really liked this shape. It was a shame he had to share it with the stuck up prick who thought he knew what was best for everyone. But then again, he noticed the looks Rose gave them out of the corner of his eye when he was near his other self. Pure lust that was. He didn't understand it himself, but he was part human now, give it some time and he might.

He picked up the straight razor and shaving cream and started shaving the new growth away. Apparently, this body's hair would grow faster. He was going to have to shave every day.

He finished drying his hair, and went to work on it. When it stuck up like he liked it, he then left the en suite and got dressed. No tie today- he was going to wear a black jumper with the suit.

He was just about to the console room when he could hear Rose's voice. "Jus' wait, It'll be any moment."

What was going on? He walked into the console room to see Rose looking at the scanner and watching what was happening outside. She then gave a big sigh and walked towards the door, opened it, and stepped outside, unaware that he had entered the room.

He went over to the scanner, which was closer to where he was than the doors were, and took a quick look at it in hopes of finding out what his other self and Rose were up to. What he saw made him laugh. His other self was lying on the ground with a blonde woman wearing a very familiar blue leather jacket on his back. Rose stood to the side watching it happen, shaking her head.

Oh, they were taking care of the paradox. The Doctor was very glad he had went to look at the scanner instead of popping his head out of the door. It wouldn't do to have the younger Rose see him yet. Older Rose had been shocked to discover two of him existed in the same time frame.

He watched the causality loop being closed, which had apparently included his other self having his "superior" arse kicked by a short, blonde girl. Apparently, the Rose of their time line hadn't seen fit to inform his other self that might happen- and he thoroughly approved. No wait, he shouldn't approve, but then again....

He felt intense jealousy when the younger Rose pulled his other self in for a quick snog. And surprise when his other self reciprocated in kind. He hadn't expected that.

And then the Rose they had come to stop finally noticed the Rose of his time line. Two Roses. And that's when it hit him, why Rose seemed to like the fact that there was two of him now.

He watched the rest of the paradox play out silently. Just when he realized that maybe he should get some sound on the screen, the two that were left outside were coming back in. When the door closed, Rose leaned against it with her eyes closed, then slid down the wall, letting her happy mask drop. Oh no, he hadn't thought about how this paradox might affect her.

"What happened out there?" he asked her, wishing he had put the sound on after all. "Are you okay?"

Her eyes spoke of seeing much more than her years. How old was she? 23? No, that wasn't right, her little brother was 3 now, so they had been in Pete's world at least 4 years. So 25? With anyone else, he'd be able to tell down to the minute how old they were, but this was Rose, and he'd never been able to see her time line. The only person that he had never been able to see any of their personal past or future no matter how much he tried. Probably because of how much her time line ran with his. Well, there was his mind wandering off again.

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