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As soon as the Doctor nodded confirmation that he wasn't talking to his other self any longer, Rose grabbed his hand. She focused on her ability, and asked in her mind, "Doctor, can you hear me?"

"Rose?!" The Doctor's shock was written all over his face, all over his mind, and even showed in the way he stiffened up.

"Hello Doctor," Rose said in her mind, then quickly added, "I know this is a huge shock. I bet you're wondering why I had you shut down the connection with him, aren't you? Well this is why. I'd like to keep this between you and me for right now. I'd rather tell him myself later on my own."

The Doctor was still in shock. "What? How? When? What?"

He could be so eloquent.

Rose knew that the Doctor wouldn't let her tell what she had found out until he got some answers and calmed down, so she gave him the story about how she found out that she was telepathic. She told him using a combination of memories, language, and feelings. Since the story was told telepathically, it was able to be conveyed much faster and more thoroughly than it would have been able to be said out loud in language. When she was finished showing him the story, she gave the Doctor a moment to process it, then asked, "are we okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, we're okay," the Doctor thought back at her. He was looking at her with intense interest and curiosity, like she was a puzzle that needed to be figured out.

"Good," Rose said. "Now that we have that out of the way, we can get to what I need to tell you." She then proceeded to show him everything that happened from the time he was put in this cell to the time she was put into it. This also included the information she got from Rian's mind about how many people in the operation, where they send the slaves, etc.

The Doctor admonished her for looking into a person's mind without their consent, to which Rose replied, "I know, it felt skeevy, but as far as I'm concerned, people who kidnap and enslave others don't have the right to privacy in their minds." The Doctor didn't argue with her.

Rose and the Doctor then outlined a plan to get themselves and everyone else out of the place. If everything worked out, no one would die, and all five people involved in the operation would be arrested. The whole thing just took a few minutes to set up.

When Rose broke the telepathy, she felt a bit empty and slightly disoriented for a moment. She had never undertaken a telepathy session that was so intense before. The connection between the Doctors had to be restored fairly quickly, so this Doctor could tell his other self his part in their plan. After that was finished, the pair laid the groundwork for getting the guards to take both of them out of the cell at the same time, and it was proven that there were in fact listening devices in the cells.

When the door opened again, there were two guards there, one from their initial kidnapping, and an unfamiliar one. The unfamiliar one told Rose that they were ready for the pair. Both Rose and the Doctor stood up, Rose in the lead, fingers locked with the Doctor's. She "pulled" the Doctor along behind her through the door. Once they were through the door, they began to put their plan in motion. Both looked around, making sure that these two guards were the only two right there. The guards would be most alert right at the door, so they allowed themselves to be taken down the hallway ten steps, then just as they were passing an open door to an empty cell, they both acted as one, attacking their kidnappers.

The Doctor slammed the open door into his guard. While the guard was gaining his feet again, he put his hands on the thug's temples and sent him into a telepathically induced sleep. Rose had simply turned around and put her hand on her guard's arm, sending peace into him, then sleep. The pair then worked together to drag both guards into the empty cell. All weapons were then taken from the unconscious thugs. Rose examined the weapons, and the Doctor had a disapproving look on his face when Rose decided to slide a knife into her boot and the blaster into the small of her back, but Rose didn't see it.

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