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The smut begins


The Doctors looked for Rose. They started in her room, then went to all her usual haunts. When they couldn't find her, they decided to ask the ship for help.

The TARDIS led them to Rose. When they stepped inside the new room, they both immediately noticed that they had never seen this room before. It looked new, and was huge. It was full of various bits of equipment. There was a punching bag, bars everywhere, half walls of various sizes, mats, a trampoline, some chains, and ropes. There was a rack where a sword would sit, but no sword present. Music was playing "...guessing at numbers and figures, pulling the puzzles apart, questions of science, science and progress, do not speak as loud as my heart, but tell me you love me, come back..."

They looked around the room for Rose, but didn't see her at first. It wasn't until the part human Doctor looked up towards the ceiling that they saw her, in a recess at the top of one of the coral walls, just sitting there. How the hell did she get all the way up there?

She didn't know they were there yet. She looked like she was resting for a moment. Her skin showed a noticeable sheen, and a stray bang was stuck to her forehead.

She then stood up, toes curled over the edge of the recess. Another song started up and she started dancing a bit. "...I must admit, I can't explain, any of these thoughts racing through my brain, it's true, baby, I'm howlin' for you..."

Then she jumped, stopping all three hearts of the two men below, until she grabbed a bar that was hanging from the ceiling, but invisible from their position. She swung from it onto a catwalk and took off at a run, from there, she jumped to a wall that was a little lower, then hung off of the edge of it to get into a better position to hit a lower wall that was about three and a half meters from the ground. She ran across the lower wall, until she got to a couple of pillars, one lower than the other. There, she step-run-jumped across them until she got to the last one, which she jumped down from with a flip, right in front of them.

The flip landed wrong, and she fell on her arse. She got up quickly, before they got to her, brushing herself off. "Well, Tyler, great goin', that's what ya get for tryin' to show off, the flip wasn't necessary, but nooooo, you had to go and do the flip," she grumbled to herself.

"You nearly gave me a hearts attack!" the part human Doctor chided her. "Er, heart attack. That's even worse. I've only got the one!"

"The TARDIS would have changed the gravity in here if it was needed," the full Time Lord said calmly.

"I know your hearts stopped too," he rebuked.

"Yeah, for half a second," the Time Lord replied. "Anyone's would with that visual input. But unlike some people, I don't have the memory of a hamster."

Before the part human could respond to that, Rose put her fingers in her mouth and whistled. Both Doctors looked at her expectantly. "Now, be nice." She shook her head. "I know you hate yourself, but this is a whole new level."

"Shoulda been there in the times I've had to cross my own time line for some reason," the part human quipped.

Rose ran her palm over her face and changed the subject to what they had obviously come for. "So, what did your myriad of tests say?"

"You're definitely going to live a long time." The Doctor wearing brown told her, rubbing the back of his neck, uncomfortably.

"You may even outlive him," The Doctor wearing blue added, jerking his thumb at his twin.

"Why?" Rose asked. "What, exactly did you find?"

He looked at his Time Lord self, who looked back at him, mirroring his worry. Rose caught their looks. "Well, what is it?" she demanded.

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