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Rose had needed to brush her hair after playing with Tony. She was digging in her jacket. She was sure she'd put that little hair brush in here somewhere, but she couldn't find it.

"Back in a tick," she called out to the Doctors, then headed to her room.

A few minutes later, she went back to the console room, wondering what they'd do next. It might have been late for her brother, but she'd only been up about 8 hours, and she still had a good adventure in her.

When she made her appearance in the console room, she noticed that the human Doctor was looking smug, and the Time Lord was looking a little afraid. What had happened in the moments she'd been gone? Come to think of it, they'd been a bit quiet while she was looking through her jacket.

They both noticed her return at the same time. "Ready for a trip?" the Doctor in brown asked.

"Always." she replied.

He went over to the monitor and set some coordinates. Then both Doctors flew the TARDIS out of the vortex and landed her with a bump.

"You two have fun," the newer Doctor called out, heading deeper into the ship.

"What, you're not comin'?" Rose asked him.

"Nah, I've got a thing I'm working on. And I just had a epiphany about my thing, so I'd better get to work on my thing before I forget it and things happen."

Rose wasn't buying it. Obviously, he needed some time alone. "Okay, then, I'll leave you to your...thing." The Doctor then grinned and walked out.

"Might wanna bring your jacket," the Doctor left with her advised. He then stepped out of the door of the TARDIS, blocking most of the view from her, and held out a hand for Rose to take. She grabbed it, and he gently pulled her through the door.

Once outside, she looked around in wonder. The place was beautiful. They were at the edge of a field of purple grass. The trees ringing it were enormous, with royal purple leaves and pink tendrils. Rose looked closer at a tendril, and found that each one was a stem with hundreds of tiny flowers on it.

"We're in the galaxy M87, but only about forty-five hundred years past your time, and this-" He paused for dramatic effect. "Is Whisterian. Well, It'll be named that when humans discover it in twenty-five hundred years."

"It's beautiful," Rose breathed out. "And very purple. This planet's form of chlorophyll bounces back purple, doesn't it?"

The look he gave her could only be called pride. "Right you are!" He then pulled her through the edge of the treeline and down a trail in the woods that ran along a stream. They followed the stream for a minute until they came to a waterfall. The trail they had been following went down the cliff side to a pool below. The trek from the TARDIS to the pool took only about fifteen minutes. Minutes that Rose hadn't noticed while she was enjoying the scenery and the Doctor talked about various wildlife they had seen along the way.

When they got to the pool below, Rose looked up at the waterfall. It was a short fall. Smoothed down rocks jutted out of it, breaking up the water flow and adding to the beauty. The water had a light greenish tint to it, adding to the exotic look.

"One day," the Doctor lectured, breaking Rose out of her reverie. "There will be an earthquake, and this landscape will change. The cliff will wind up six times higher, and the pool will wind up three times larger. This place is a religious spot for the natives. It's believed that their god of death and the goddess of life fell in love in this spot, ending the war between the two and harmonizing the cycle of life."

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