Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

   The next day everything between Pip and I returned back to normal. When I got back to her house from school yesterday, Pip was already in bed reading a book. I had a feeling she wasn't going to be leaving that position (unless she had to go to the bathroom, of course) and I didn't want to interrupt her so I slept in one of the guest bedrooms instead. Our argument was stupid but I couldn’t tell her truth. Adrian would kill me.

   It was weird not talking to my best friend, especially since we were living in the same house. I couldn't stand us not talking, so in the morning I woke up early and made Pip her favourite breakfast, pancakes. Well, I received help from the chefs because I was utterly clueless when it came to cooking. I couldn't cook even if my life depended on it. Luckily for me, the pancakes turned out amazingly in the end. I took all the credit of creating them and presented the delicious chocolate chip pancakes to Pip which I was immediately rewarded with a hug and just like that, everything was back to normal–yesterday’s events completely forgotten.

   Since I didn't get to see Payton yesterday, we arranged to hang out at lunch today. He texted me last night and even admitted that he had swimming practice during lunch but made an excuse to get out of it so he could spend time with me. My heart felt like it melted when I read his message. Isn't he adorable? At first I felt bad because I didn't want him to get in trouble with his coach but when I realised that he actually wanted to hang out with me, all feelings of guilt went out the window and were replaced with joy. Selfish of me, I know, but it's not like every day I'd have the chance to spend time with an extremely attractive male. In the end, I decided to make the best of it instead of worrying about whether or not Payton will get into trouble.

   "I can't wait for lunch time," I told Pip dreamily as we were walking to our lockers.

   "For another date?" she joked, winking at me.

   "No," I replied a little too quickly and I could feel my cheeks heating up. Why did I always go red when thinking about going on a date with Payton? He would never date me so I didn't want to get my hopes up. Although that didn't mean that I had to stop my crush on him–I was a teenage girl after all.

   "Whatever you say," Pip smirked. "You two can enjoy your date together peacefully. I have a study date with Chuck and I think Adrian is tagging along for some reason."

   I laughed. Of course Adrian would intrude on their study date since he didn't want them being together by themselves. Life would be easier if he just admitted his feelings for Pip.

   "Let's hope that they don't kill each other," I muttered under my breath.

   "What did you say, Kay? I didn't catch that."

   "Umm, nothing,” I lied. “I’m just talking to myself. Anyway, now you have two rather gorgeous guys wanting your attention."

   Pip scoffed and gave me a weird look. "Yeah, right. That's an insane thing to say. The wanting my attention part, I mean, because we both know that Chuck and Adrian are major hotties," she said, fanning herself to emphasise her point.

   "If you say so. The bell is about to ring so we better get to class now. I'll see you after school, okay?"

   Pip nodded. "Have fun on your date," she said and gave me a quick hug before leaving. I grabbed my books for Advanced Maths and headed for the Maths building.

   I made it to class just before the bell rang so I wasn't late. Adrian and a few other students were already here. I walked over to the table Adrian was sitting at and saw him playing Candy Crush, a game that he was totally addicted to, on his phone. “What’s up?” I asked and slammed my books onto the table, catching him by surprise and causing him to nearly drop his phone. “Nice save," I applauded when he managed to catch his phone, just before it was about to hit the ground.

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