9) The tag collection.

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Sorry I've been gone for so long, but I'm back yay.

(Veladandra's pov)

I waited silently for it to be my turn to leave the boat, I felt bad for those at the end of the line. Because I was second to finish the trick tower, I was second to leave the boat. All in all I only had to wait five minutes, but yet it didn't seem to pass fast enough. When I was finally signaled to leave I decided to be calm, instead of taking off in a hurry I simply walked out of sight. I looked around as I entered the trees, expecting to see Hisoka. However he was nowhere to be seen, I smiled and continued onward. I found a nice spot on a large tree, I could sit on and view my surroundings easily. All I had to do was take out three idiots, and steal there tags. Did I care who my target was... no. I'd take whoever's tag I wanted, and I'd do so with brute force. Slowly I drifted into a slumber, awaiting for all my prey to enter the hunting grounds.

I awoke abruptly to the sound of fighting, I looked down to see two unknown fighters nearing the end of a battle. I laughed quietly, and dropped down from the tree. I landed on one of there heads with a thud; before they could even fall to the ground I roundhouse kicked the other one in the face. Both of them then fell simultaneously to the ground, for they were now unconscious. I took both of there tags, and hopped up back into my tree. I placed there tags next to my own in my chest, so maybe I was being a little cocky leaving them out. But I had the right, no one would win against me today. I began cleaning my nails after finding a comfortable position again, and simply waited for my next target.
It wasn't long before three idiots walked below me, I forgot there names all I know is there brothers. I knew they weren't much of a fight, and I didn't need there tags so I just threw a pinecone at one. Just to annoy them really. Once they realized what happened they began frantically searching through the trees, when there eyes landed upon me nonchalantly sitting above them. They were pissed, which only made me laugh. They started yelling and threatening me, saying I was a dead man. It was rather annoying, so I plugged my ears and watched them. It became a fun game to make up what they were saying as I watched there mouths move. "Its a bird, it's a plane, oh wait it's a monkey!" one would exclaim, "no it's not you idiot that's another contestant!" another would retort. "Shut up and get her down you idiots!" The last would yell. I giggled, then a chill went down my spine. I stopped all movement and went into full alert, someone very dangerous was coming. I motioned for them to run, then took off myself through the tree line. But I knew I was being followed closely, whoever it was, they were fast. I thought maybe it was Hisoka, but he would have already caught me if he wanted. I threw myself from tree to tree, everything was a blur of green, brown, and blue. The trees were mostly the same height so I didn't have to focus on them to much, so I focused more on my opponent. I couldn't remember where I felt there aura before, but I know I had.
Suddenly realization hit me like a tidal wave, I missed the branch I was jumping to and began to fall. Without thinking I grabbed the branch, and swung to the ground. But with speed I was going, and the fact I only used one hand to support my falling body weight. It tore my shoulder out of socket, and two of my fingers. I feel to my knees, howling in surprise, and pain. My attacker realized I had fell and stopped in a tree nearby, and hoped down onto the ground about fifteen feet in front of me. I glared at the white haired boy that started walking towards me.
"Killua Zoldyck..." I said standing up. He continued casually walking up to me, and began grinning. When he got close to me he looked up into my eyes.
"Veladandra Rippuku. That looks painful," he poked my shoulders he spoke. I shrugged away from him, Grinding my teeth together.
"What do you want Killua, my tags? Cause you can't have them,"
"No I wanted one of there tags, there my target" Killua pointed towards the direction of the brothers. "But messing with you seemed far more fun." He smirked smugly, he probably could kill me if he wanted.
"Well leave me alone, I'm not your entertainment!" I yelled, turning away from him and walking away. I couldn't hear him, but I felt his presence go in the opposite direction of me, then suddenly disappear. I snapped my head around, towards where he was to see him jump back into a tree. Aside from when he had poked me he had kept his hands in his pockets at all times. Which wasn't unusual for him.
I used one of the trees nearby, to pop everything back to where it should be. It hurt but I did my best to ignore it, sighing and shaking my head. I walked over to a stream that was just past the tree line, and got a small drink. And soaked my hands in it for a little. I needed one more tag, then I'd only need a nice hiding spot. I smiled and stretched out my arms, the pain had gone so it felt good to just stretch. I took my time relaxing by the stream, waiting for some idiot to come strolling past. But it seemingly never happened, soon I had drifted asleep.

*Time skip*

When I awoke I was in a new area, a small clearing with a log and what seemed to be a freshly diggen hole. I rubbed my eyes sleepily, and realized Hisoka was sitting on the log grinning at me. Once I remembered what happened I sat up from my position shocked, I couldn't believe I fell asleep like that. I patted my chest making sure all my tags were still there, and when they were I sighed in relief.
"Thank you Hisoka." I said smiling, he gave me a thumbs. Then pointed at the hole.
"Grittakur is in there, if you want I can call him out so you can meet him." I should my head rapidly, then held a finger to my mouth. Cuddling back into a sleeping position, and dozing off again. Or at least trying to, a few seconds after I was lifted into the air by Hisoka. And carried to the log are he sat, he held me in his lap and just stared at me. I glared at him grumbling for a second, before cuddling into his chest and once again trying to doze off.
"Cute." The sound of an unfamiliar voice through me from my sleep and I jumped out of Hisoka's lap, landing on my butt. Hisoka began giggling, while Illumi just stared at me from his hole in the ground. I glared at him then sighed and threw myself backwards onto the ground.
"Just let me sleep!" Know whined kicking my feet like a child.
"But don't you need another tag deary? unless one of those is your target and you just have an extra." Hisoka stated pointing to my chest. I flashed him a thumbs up, then played back down.
"If you want you can do it for me, or ill just steal one on the way to the finish." I mumbled. I heard him sigh, and and Illumi laugh then dig back under ground. A split second after he had gone under ground I heard something stick into the ground as well, probably a card that was thrown at him.

Ok stopping there, I hope you enjoyed. Again so sorry that I've been gone so long but I'm back, so yay for that. Please leave a review, and have a great day. Shout out to my budd Kiro :D.

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