2)Long Way To Go...

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I looked back up at the clown, he wasn't bad looking. Actually he was really pleasing to look at! If only his aura wasn't so evil... Looking back down I noticed blood stains on the floor, it looked rather fresh, no older than four hours. "Hey clown, there's blood it's fresh." I said pointing to it.

"Hehehe~ Oops~" He said licking his lips, his eyes half closed. His aura only increased the amount, of disgusting creepiness in the moment. He was dangerous, physically speaking he was stronger. When it comes to weapons though, I've surpassed everyone I know. He doesn't seem to be holding a weapon though, unless...

"You, do you fight with your cards?" He seemed a little shocked but not much, he looked more amused than anything. But he didn't answer, instead he flicked his wrist and launched a card at me. It's speed incredible! An untrained eye wouldn't have seen it coming, it lodged itself into the wood next to me. An ace of spades. "You could have just said yes," I laughed fake pouting at him.

"But where would the fun in that be?~~"

"In the part where I don't have a risk of dying, well I guess that's the fun part to you though. It would be to me, to so I get it." I threw the card back and he went back to his game, whatever that may be. He never have me his name, but I don't just want to ask. I've asked to many things, i have to be quite for a while. He seems interesting, scary, but interesting. He's the type of person I've been warned about all my life, told to stay away from. But I want to know more about him. I'll be keeping an eye on him.

*Half an hour of awkward silence later*

The truck was slowing down, I could feel it. I know it's not for a simple break, and I know we aren't there. So this must be phase one of the test, I knew it wouldn't be as simple as find the guy and go with him. I sighed and stretched out, I wasn't going to show this guy my nen in case we ever had to fight. So if there is a fight it's gonna remain physical, so lame, I love putting my nen to use. My father taught me how to start opening my pores naturally, when I was 5. It took me till I was 6 to actually do it. By the time I was seven I had learned the basics of nen, this included Ten, Zetsu, and Ren. I took the Water divination and found I was a specialist, but my father told me to continue practicing the first three steps before practicing my Hatsu. Now I have a strong Hatsu, and can use In, Gyo, Ken, Ko, Ryu, Shu, and En. Not many people know nen before the Hunter exam, I was told by my father that it was a secret test after words and you would be taught it after you 'passed'. Once you learned it your master, would tell you that you've passed the secret phase or something.

"Oh wonderful, you can feel it to right?" You asked rather annoyed, "The truck is about to stop." The clown nodded and stood up stretching out a bit. "When it stops stretch your aura out behind it, but as it reaches the edge of the truck and outside jump, but don't stop it. Do it fast and go as far as possible in four seconds as you can, and then apply either In or Zetsu." He nodded and giggled. Licking his lips, he seemed excited about the fact we may get to fight. As the truck slowed more you prepared yourself. It takes a strong nen user to be able to stretch there nen far, but I'm sure he can. As soon as the truck stopped we both stretched out our nen as far possible, jumping as it reaches the back of the truck. It was fast enough to seem like we were really running away, my plan was working perfect. 1...2...3...4! As soon as it reaches four I employed Zetsu completely concealing my aura. And as I thought five people chased down the road towards where we sent our aura, I could still sense two behind us though one was the driver.

"Well I have to give them props for knowing something was up when we stopped, but to think the ran away. We could have just been taking a pee break," Thats the driver's voice, so it was a test.

"Perhaps an educated guess? We were using Zetsu so they couldn't have sensed us..." And there is unidentified other one. Me and the clown walked off the truck and up to the driver and man, there expressions made me want to laugh but I kept it in.

"Ran away eh?" I said with a smile, "So uh, do we still have to fight? Cause that may prove unhealthy for you." I saw fear flash through the eyes of the driver, and the other one just laughed. He was tall, and looked of high importance, fancy suit, glasses, combed hair.

"Deary if your fight was with me, you'd be dead by now. Your fight was with the five you saw but I'm sure they enjoy there lives, you've proved your smarts and your strength in nen. You pass." Eh, did he just. I can't tell wether to be mad about the first comment. Or be happy I passed my first test. I guess both. I stood there dumbfounded for a second, then smiled.

"Cool, I'm Veladandra. Nice to meet you," I said extending a hand, he wasn't the kind of person to threaten lightly I'd guess. Best keep to his good side.

"My name is Knov, you have a very lovely name," He replied with a smile, the clown began to walk away, he looked a bit bored. He probably was looking forward to fighting.

"Thank you, that's the clown I still don't know his name... he doesn't communicate much. Not a very fun travel companion..." I whispered the last part, giggling a little.

"Well I'm must be off, hope to see you again Veladandra," Knov said as he departed, the five people had returned and were running farther ahead in the same direction. As I hopped into the back of the truck once again, I saw a slightly irritated clown. I considered jumping back out.

"So how are you?" I asked playing innocent. He seemed to have just realized I was here, and he smiled a little, licking his lips.



"My name, it's Hisoka."

"OH It Sounds cool, but why are you telling me now?"

"You interest me,"

------------------------------------------------------I hope the length is ok its has roughly 1000 words, if its to short tell me how many you reccomend. And i know it might not be great yet but it will get there. Any suggestions would be appreciated. and if you can comment what you thought id love that.

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