8) The extra phase! part 3. Team Rock vs. Team Seikyo!

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The photo is Veladandra.

(Narrative p.o.v. not sure that's a thing but I'm using it xD)

The two teams began brainstorming for there team videos, they had to think of a name. And how to get the other contestants to like them, so they get the advantage in the obstacle course battle. The outcome of the vote will decide you quality and amount of weapons, as well as how many surprise supplies you get. Surprise supplies are a gift from the audience, if your in danger, and 51% of the audience press the green button. You get a surprise supply, but there's a limit on how many you get. 100%-76%good votes = 15 surprise supplies, 75%-51%= 8, 50%-26% = 5, 25%- 1%= 2, and of course 0% = 0. So this video is crucial to there lives being spared, or at least there deaths prolonged.

The contestants each layed in there team room, discussing there plans. In Veladandra and Hisoka's room, they sat on the same bed. Legs crossed facing each other, from opposite sides of the bed. "Hisoka, I'll do the talking in the video. of course you'll have to back it up, but you a smart guy so it'd be easy to do on your feet." The girl said looking at the man tenderly.

"Yes, that would be best. I'm not much of a talker. Oh I thought of a team name!"

In the other room the young boy Gon struggled to think, his thoughts fizzling out of his ears. As the older man sat on his own bed, physically annoyed at the stupidity of the child. "GON! Get it together! We need a plan, and a name!" He yelled, the child snapped out of it and nodded, settling into a thinking mode. Then soon his thoughts were fizzling away again. The man sighed and began to think as well, when the young boy seemed to finally get an idea.

"I think I thought of a name!"

*Time skipe*

Veladandra sat side by side with Hisoka, they where about to start recording there video, after a night and morning of preparations. They nodded to each other and smiled, then told the camera man to begin.

"Hey it's Veladandra!"

"And Hisoka."

"We decided that we would name our team something cool, and dark. Something that can portray both our personalities, in one dangerous word. So this is what we came up with, Hisoka?"

"Yes, we will be Team Seikyo!"

"That means death. As our enemies are aware, that's what's coming to them if they don't surrender." Veladandra explained.

"It is our only other option, though I don't want to kill the boy. Is is just a child after all, and he has great potential." The clown smiled while saying the ending, sending visible chills down the camera mans spine.

"Hehe anyway, as you guys well know me and Hisoka can handle our selves. We don't need weapons given to use to deal with our opponents, but if they have good weapons they'll fight hard."

"They would mistake it as a chance."

"While there still won't be one, so we figured something. Perhaps, if they didn't have weapons they would succumb to us earlier on in the battle. Which greatly increases there chance of living, so think of it that way."

"In the end we only wish the best for them, though I've tried to kill the old guy before. I was told I wasn't supposed to, so I shall refrain from doing so. Perhaps you would like to help me with that~"

"Thats all for now I guess, later!"


And with that the video ended, so they returned to there living quarters. Awaiting there battle, and enjoying each other's company. Playing cards, and other games.

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