7) The extra phase! Part Two. Nen and obstacle course!

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Behind me was a swinging axe, and closed doors. In front of me a simple obstacle course, my challenge was to get through it. "Piece of cake!" Running forward I jumped over a trip wire, and a hole in the ground in front of it. I angled my body like I was driving into a pool, and narrowly missed a motion detection laser. Landing in a roll five feat away. Standing I saw two bandits, one equipped with a bow, the other with a mace. I grinned and pulled out my twin pistols, they were modified, and mostly for show. The guns could now only shoot air, so before I fire I put fog inside the barrel. Then as the air shoots through the gun, I apply some emitter powers to make it launch out. The only point in the pistols is to trick people about my ability, and still use it effectively.

I can use little bits from all the classes, though I was the worst at conjuring. I use of course my specialist ability, but spruce up each attack up with emitter and Transmuter. With my fog of life I used transmuter abilities to make the fog pink, this makes it look more safe to the person it's being applied to. It's vow is that I will use it only if I believe that person should be healed, and it limitation. Is that if I don't believe they should be healed, they won't be and there pain will increase. A lot of people think that's fair at first, but don't realize that I don't like many people. And that I can't heal someone who deserves to be, because I don't think they should be. It's selfishly designed, but that's how I like it.

My twin pistols are designed to be used with my nen, and most often I use fog of pain with them. A green fog, that is like a virus or poison. It causes you immense pain, and to show the course of it. Areas affected will have a green substance covering them, that you can't get off. The vow is that I won't use it without reason, the limitation is that if I do I will begin bleeding, only stopping when the person is cured. My blood is the only cure to the fog of pain.

"Fog of pain!" I said as I shot both bandits with my fog of pain, than ran onward. Slipping between both screaming men, and dodging a dagger that was thrown at me. The dagger flew past my head into one of the bandits. Ahead of me was Menchi, she was next to two tables. Both covered in boxes that were filled with daggers, there was probably thousands. "Ha! If this goes how I think it will be simple two!" And just as expected Menchi threw the daggers towards me, she threw so many at once there was no way past it. "Fog wall!" A stone grey fog made a curved wall around my front, I then touched enhancer abilities to make it stronger. The vow for this, is that I'd use it if one were in grave danger. My limitation, if I used it to show off, or anything I didn't really need it for, it would wrap around me and suffocate me.

My fog wall blocked all of the daggers coming towards me, there was so many I couldn't see out of the fog. I know had a wall of fog and daggers. Laughing to myself I continued walking forwards, I watched the floor in front of me. And made sure to listen carefully, for any sign of danger. Menchi continued her barrage of daggers, and so I kept my fog wall up. I wouldn't release it till I got to her, then I could release and overwhelm her with fog of slumber. As soon as my fog wall hit her I released it, all of the daggers flew to the floor. "Fog of slumber!" A blue fog filled the area that me and Menchi stood in. My fog of slumber doesn't affect me unless I break my vow. The vow is that I won't harm the person I use it on, while they rest. Menchi was quick to pass out and I went on my way, I rolled to the side as a blade flew threw the space I was just in. It cut my side, but the only damage done was a small scratch. Not worth using fog of life on. my shirt however was damaged, the side had been cut open, and I wasn't good at mending them. That pissed me off. In blind rage I took off down the path, I destroyed to more bandits as I went with my dagger that I pulled from my ankle. As I had taken off I grabbed it, and it was easy to cut them into pieces as I ran by. I could see the where the path forked apart, was just up ahead. So using the strength in my legs, I propelled my self faster towards there. When I was about twenty feet away I was forced to stop. A large gap was infont of me, and spikes lay on the other side of that. I sighed and grimaced, this would be painful. I prepared fog of life, and walked backwards. Then using as much strength as I possibly could, I threw myself across the gap. I easily crossed the water, the spikes where the issue. Maneuvering my body so I'd land on my feet, not in a roll. I landed on the outer lair of the spikes, but still on them. They pierced through my foot, causing me to scream. "BLOODY HELL!" I'm sure the other contestants could have heard it, even if they weren't watching a live stream. I jumped again landing outside the spikes this time, but still hurting as I landed on my injured feet. I kicked off my shoes, and socks. Then sat on my behind, releasing fog of life on my feet. After about five minutes of that, and a good massage. I was ready to go. Two signs awaited me, one said 'Hard but short path.' and the other said 'Long but easy path'. Easy choice, hard and short. Let's get this over with. I turned towards the Hard and short path and set off, my bare feet carrying me away.

About a minute of running later I came across another sign. ' You choose the Short but Hard path, and we commend you for your bravery. But this is really the long and easy path. There will be no enemies, it's simply a long run. it would take a normal human two days to run. Good luck.' Or, I could turn around. Turning I began to run back, but within five seconds a large gate closed ahead of me. Cursing under my breath, I turned once again. Looks like it will be the boring path.

*Time skip*

It had been two hours, and I had full speed sprinted down this path. I'd run at least 300Miles, a normal person would probably die. But with occasional breaks to apply fog of life, I made it fine. I continued down the path, my legs going like they where robotic. When finally I came upon a sign. ' Good job, but your not done yet.'

"Ok are you kidding me, most people would have dyed by now, and there more!" I sighed and pushed upon the door in front of me, a large room full of webs is what was behind it. The web's were large, and covered the room. I would have no way through it, except for the fact I have a flamethrower. Reaching into my bag, I pulled out a lighter and the cooking spray. And I lit up the web's, much to my dismay as they burnt giant spiders fell to the ground. I returned the spray to my bag, the lighter along with it. And drew my sword, this would be an interesting battle. Using Ko I made my sword stronger, and waited for the spiders to attack. It was a normal sized room, and it was empty. The web's that where there before had all been burnt, and five man sized spiders had fallen. They were purple, with red gleaming eyes. I knew my fog would have no effect, on them as soon as I saw them. Five more seconds of waiting and a spider made a move, it sent a large string if web at me, and I easily moved away from it. Running towards the closet spider, I slide underneath it with my sword pointed above me. It sliced open the spiders body, and the spider fell to the ground. I then ran to the next and spun around it, zigzaging around. The spider swung at my legs with one arm, and my head with another. I jumped on top of the first leg, and brought my sword down on the second one. Then switched it's position to sideways, and ran around the spider again. All of it legs fall off, and the spider screeched. I then drove my sword through it largest eyes, and it took its last breath. I looked to the remaining three spiders, two took after me. As one shot it's web towards my face. I threw my sword at the one shooting its web at me, and ducked. The web missed me, but the two spiders where approachable fast. I dashed forward reaching for my sword, but I couldn't reach it in time. One of the spiders grabbed me, dragged me towards its mouth. I could hear it's laughter.

"HA HA HA HA YOU THINK YOUVE ONE! YOU JUST IGNITED SOMETHING I TRIED TO AVOID!" I screamed, I could feel the familiar rage flowing threw my vains. I grabbed the leg of the spider, and easily it off. Then grabbed another and threw the spider behind me, it crashed directly into the other. I stood still laughing, and walked towards them. I grabbed each of there heads in my hands, and squeezed. There heads popping. I stopped there, instead of unnecessarily making them a pulp. And walked threw the doors, awaiting me was Brute. I thought I was finished, before I realized he was growling.

"Hey Brute right? It's ok it me remember, the one who pet you." I reached my hand towards him, but he growled again. "Hey I have meat, do you want some of that?" I grabbed the meat from my bag and unwrapped it, as soon as the smell reached him Brute paused. His mouth salivating. I tossed it across the room, and as soon as he went after it. I flew threw the door, I sighed in relief as I found myself in the room I started in.

"Well done Veladandra, please return your items."

*Time skip*

Alright I'm stopping there because this is already a large chapter, and it's been two or so days since I updated last. So next time will be team obstacle course.
Sorry if the obstacle course wasn't great, this was more a way of introducing nen. Also a warning the next one isn't very obstacle course like either, more of a death match. But it will be more obstacle course like than this one was. In a little ill be updating with a announcement chapter to address some things. And thank you guys for the votes and comments, and reads and stuffs :D I really enjoy it. Have a great day/night!

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