1) Off we go.

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' Yes, this is the year,' I think to myself. 'The year I take the exam!' The Hunter exam is a huge deal to me, becoming a hunter means I can do a lot of cool things and no one can stop me. I'm tired of people telling me I'm to young, or its to dangerous! I'm 16! And besides I'm dangerous to. Since I was old enough to walk I've trained in martial art, and other physical fighting techniques. Since 5 I learned a variation of weapon skills, I mastered a selection of different types of swords, and daggers, staffs, chakrams, bows, rifles, pistols, and many other weapons. All of this happened before 14, before... before the accident. Then when I moved these new people decided I'm weak, and need protection! Getting a hunters licence will show them!

*Time skip*

"WHAT!?!??!" Aunty screamed "The Hunter exam, you. No, no, no, not happening it's far to dangerous for a youn girl as yourself Vela! It's absolutely not acceptable!" She stood above me with her arms crossed, I just rolled my eyes and signed. "Dont sigh at me, it's true. Where did you get this wild idea in your head any way?"

"You can't treat me like a child anymore, I'm 16 now. You know my strength, my fighting skill, my agility. I'm strong enough to pass I'm sure of it!" I got out of my seat on the couch and stood facing her, we were the same height so I could look her straight in the eyes. She knew I would pass, she just smothered me. In her eyes I was a little puppy, if I left I'd either die or just run away. "I'm gonna come back, I won't leave you. You now that... right?"

"Oh darling of course I know that, I just don't like the idea of you going into that place. I don't trust it! But if you really want... i-i-I... guess you could go." YES I knew it, that always works, hunters exam here I come! After saying my good byes and packing a backpack, I head out.

*Time skip*

I made it to someone telling me they will take me to the exam sites, but I can't trust them. Or there truck there either... It looks like it could break down at any second, and it's not stable. But it's my best chance I guess... "So you coming?" Broken from my thoughts by the driver, recollection my thoughts I nod. "Hop in the back and get comfy it's a two hour ride," He said pointing at the trailer hooked to the truck, then headed to the th driver seat. The back of the truck had walls that reached the same level as the top of the vehicle and a roof, so it was like one large box that can move. As I rounded the corner much to my surprise there was already someone there, a guy around my age... he looked like a clown... he glanced up from the cards he was playing with and looked at me as I sat down. I could feel his nen so I put up ten just in case, he gave a shocked and amused look at that.

"So you know nen already deary? How, amusing." He said, his voice coated with vast amounts of creepiness, fun.

"Yeah I learned it when I was young, my name's Veladandra." I offered no handshake just looked away after introducing myself.

"Hmmm~ interesting," He said with a giggle then went back to his cards. He showed no further interest so I ignored him, the truck began down the two hour drive.

Sorry if it's a bit short, I'll try and make them longer in the future.

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