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We arrived at the police station and my heart was racing. The police officers led me inside and there was Ashton sitting in a jail cell, running his hands over his face. Once the police officers took they're eyes off of me for a moment, I quickly made my way over to Ashton. 'Ashton.' I whispered, watching his head jerk up. His eyes were puff and red. He had been crying.

'I'm so sorry Chloe.' He said, standing up and walking to me. 'Its okay, it wasn't you're fault.' I replied, feeling a lump form in my throat. 'I'm so sorry this happened to you Ashton, I'll fix it.' He sighed, shaking his head. 'There's nothing you can do. They know you turned eighteen today.' He stated, 'They found a used condom. I'm screwed.'

'Hey, stop.' I said, looking back to see th officers still talking. 'I'm going to get you out of here.' He laughed, as if he didn't believe I could do such a thing. 'I'm screwed Chloe!' He whisper/yelled, 'You might as well just leave and not come back, ever.'

'No, I'm not leaving you.' I said firmly, feeling the tears well in my eyes. 'There is nothing you can do.' Ashton repeated, 'So just go, please. I don't want you to go through this with me.'

'But Ashton I-I love you.' The tears began to flee my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. 'And I love you Chloe, but this isn't going to work.' I sighed, but heard the officers calling out to me to get away from Ashton. 'Go.' He stated, turning to walk back to the small metal stool.


'Okay, Chloe we need you to tell us everything.' The detective began, sitting across from me in the interrogation room. 'There's nothing to tell.' I groaned, standing up and walking around the room. 'Chloe, please.' She begged, 'Its just a few questions.' I ignored her and continued to walk around the room, feeling the tears coming back.

'Chloe, please sitting.' She asked once more and I finally listened, sitting down on the chair, not even bothering to look at her. 'I'm going to ask you a few questions about yours and Ashton's relationship, okay?' I nodded, playing with my nails nervously.

'Did he force you into this relationship?' She asked and I looked up at her with complete disgust. 'No.' I said harshly, annoyed at all of this was happening. 'Okay, how old were you when you got into a relationship with Ashton?' 'Seventeen.' I answered honestly, not wanting anymore drama.

'Did you know he was twenty-six when you got involved with him?' I nodded, watching her write down notes on her notepad. 'Have you two ever had sex?' I froze, knowing if I answered this question honestly, Ashton would go to jail for a very, very long time. I stayed quiet, hearing her repeat the question numerous times. 'Chloe!' She snapped, slamming the desk and scaring me. 'What?!' I snapped, standing up from the desk once again. 'This is so fucking stupid! I love Ashton! I'm now eighteen! Why can't I be with him!?'

'Chloe, you were under age at the time.' She fought back, trying to knock some sense into me. 'Your so young, don't-' 'I'm not young! I'm fucking eighteen! Fuck you!' I screamed, cutting her off completely. I had had about enough of this bull shit. I was ready to punch a wall, kick in a door or strangle someone.

'Chloe, did you and Ashton sleep together?' She asked one last time, moving closer to me. 'Either way if I answer that you'll take him from me!' I screamed, 'I can't loose him!'

'Chloe I understand your feelings toward Ashton, but you need to let him go and answer me question.' She said, now standing right in front of me. 'Yes, we slept together.' I answered, watching her nod, grabbing her note book and beginning to exit the room.

'Hey,' I said, watching her turn. 'You take Ashton from me, I'm killing myself. Think about that.' Her eyes widened and she closed the door, leaving me alone in the room.


'Chloe,' The detective walked in, as I sat on the floor in the corner, crying my eyes out. I looked up and saw her eyes grow sympathetic. 'Your mother is on her way home from America.' She stated And I just felt like dying right there. She would never forgive me for being with Ashton. She would probably send me off to go and live with my dad.

I cried harder, not wanting to face her or anyone for that matter. The detective just stood there in the doorway, watching me sob. 'Chloe?' Her voice echoed and I looked up at her. 'Would you like to see Ashton?' My eyes widened, really needing to talk and see him. I nodded my head and stood up from the floor, following her back to the jail cell Ashton was in before.

Ashton stood up and walked back to me, intertwining our fingers as I reached through the cell. The detective walked away, leaving Ashton and I to talk. 'How are you doing?' I asked. 'I'm been better.' Ashton laughed, 'But how are you? You look like you've been crying.' I sighed, not wanting to relive the events that happened hours ago.

'Questioning was hard.' I shrugged, resting my head against a metal bar of the cell. 'Yeah they questioned me at the same time.' He stated, 'They blame me for everything, which is true because I am older.'

'Stop.' I said quickly, 'Its both of our faults.' He sighed, and rested his head against mine. I took in his sent of old spice and mint, smiling that he had quick smoking for me. 'We'll get out of here soon.' I whispered, 'I promise.'

'Chloe!' My mum yelled as she entered the police station. She was full with rage and anger and was coming straight for me. I let go of Ashton to face her and as soon as she reached me, I felt a burning sensation move across my cheek. She slapped me.

The police officers latched onto my mum and pulled her away. Her screaming that I was no longer her daughter and how she was going to kick me out. My worst night mare was officially becoming a reality.


'You can sleep here.' The detective said, setting down a pillow and blanket for me in her office. 'Why are you being do nice to me?' I blurt out, covering my mouth quickly. She sat on her desk, slightly laughing. 'Because I know what your going through.' She replied.

'How would you know....?' My voice trailed off, still not knowing her name. 'Victoria.' She laughed, 'And I was in your shoes once, well kind of.' I stared at her, ready to hear the story she was bound to tell me.

'When I was seventeen, I was raped.' She said bluntly and my mouth hung open. 'Really?' I asked, turning my head slightly. 'Yeah,' She stated, 'So I was just looking out for you. I didn't want to find out Ashton was actually hurting you.'

'He's not hurting me.' I commented, 'I love him.' 'I know Chloe, that's why I'm going to do everything in my power so he doesn't go to jail.' I smiled, hoping that in the end he wouldn't.

'Does it make matters worse that he is my teacher?' I asked, raising an eyebrow. 'No, because Ashton took us you transferred out of his class.' She replied, standing from her desk. 'Well, get to bed. I already called your school and said you won't be there tomorrow.' I mumbled a small Thank you as she exited the room.

I was tired, exhausted for that matter, but all I could do was stare at the ceiling and thing about what was to come. I was panicked, worried and upset all in all. But hopefully this one time, something will actually go my way.


Sorry it's a filler.



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