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'Chloe come on!' My best friend Madison yelled, dragging me along the white tiled high school floor.

'Calm down! Jeez, my legs work you know.' I said, yanking myself from her grip.

'Sorry, it's just, well look for yourself.' She said, pointing towards the music room. I was expecting to see my music teacher from last year, Mrs. Patrick's who was a bore. But instead I saw someone different. Extremely muscular, dirty blonde and curly hair, hazel eyes and was wearing a dress shirt with an obvious clip on tie, with skinny dress pants and black dress shoes. He was handsome.

'Damn.' I said, looking back to see Madsion with a huge smile on her face.

'Now are you looking forward to music this year? I know last year was a complete bore and stuff but-' Madison kept rambling on about how amazing senior year was going to be but I cut her out and just focused on the new music teacher.

I studied him top to bottom, trying to figure out who he really was, when he looked up from his desk and looked directly at me. I froze not knowing what to do so instead we just stared at each other for a solid 2 minutes. The staring session ended when the first bell went off, queuing everyone to go to their first period class.


'Madison!' I yelled, finding my best friend in the lunch line. 'How's your day been? We have like no classes together.'

'Its good, I'm just really excited for music next period. Apparently Mr. Irwin knows his stuff.' She laughed, grabbing a sandwich and paying for her food.

'Mr. Irwin? I guess I never found out his name.' I said, grabbing the same things as Madison and following her out of the lunch line and to our table from last year.

'He plays the drums, guitar, and piano!' She said, clearly stating the excitement in her voice. 'He's a packaged deal!'

'Its only been a few hours and you already know his whole life story.' I laughed, opening the package that held my sandwich.

'Sorry, but when I see or meet an attractive guy, you know I have to know everything.' She replied, skimming through her phone.

'Oh trust me, I know.' I laughed, now taking small bites of my sandwich.


'I'm nervous.' Madison said, wrapping her arm into mine as we made our way down the hallway.

'You'll be fine.' I laughed, opening the music room door and entering.

There were a bunch of teens in the room. We entered the class and Madison let go of my arm. She pushed her way to the front and sat down right in front of Mr. Irwin's desk. I for one didn't want to be in the front so I made my way to the back and sat down rather quietly. Madison turned around and gave me a look of get your ass up here and sit with me. But before I could react, he entered the room.

'Hello class,' He began, 'My name is Mr. Irwin and I will be your music teacher this year. Now, when you hear the word music what's the first thing that pops into your head?'

Madison's hand shot straight up. He pointed to her and she took no time to keep quiet. 'Music is described as in like today's hits. Like rap and pop music.'

'If that's the way you see it, then yes.' Mr. Irwin replied, 'Anyone else.'

Everyone sat still, probably hoping and praying they wouldn't be called on. But when his eyes landed on mine, he didn't hesitate to call me out.

'Chloe, is it?' He asked, looking at his class list. I nodded my head and looked away from his eyes. 'What do you believe music is?'

I was silent. I hated being the center of attention, it wasn't something I was into.

'Chloe, what is music to you?' Mr. Irwin repeated, leaning on his desk and crossing his arms over his chest.

'Music, to me is uh, an escape.' I said shyly, noticing everyone looking me dead in the eyes.

'An escape? How do you mean?' He asked.

'Escape as in like you get lost in the music I guess. You push all feelings away and focus on that one song that can either lift or bring down your spirits.' I stopped after realizing how deep and personally I had just gotten with the whole class.

'That right there ladies and gentlemen,' Mr. Irwin began, 'Is a damn well perfect example.'

I looked down at my desk and tried very hard to avoid eye contact with anyone. But I couldn't help but crack a slight smile.


Class went by quickly after that, we just talked about certain instruments and music everyone was into.

The bell had finally rang after an hour and I wasn't ready to leave. That class was something I was going to look forward to every day.

'Miss. Rose.' Mr. Irwin said, stopping me from exiting the classroom. 'May I have a word?'

I nodded and shuffled my way back over to his desk.

'You really love music don't you?' He asked, interlocking his hands and leaning on his desk.

'I-I do.' I said, mentally hitting myself for stuttering around him.

'Play any instruments?' He asked.

'Guitar.' I replied.

'Learning on your own or do you have a teacher?'

'My own, my mum can't afford a teacher.' I replied, still holding up my binders.

'How about I teach you a few things? If you are really passionate about music.' His words caught me by surprise. On the inside i was overjoyed and excited that he had asked me this, but at the same time nervous because I never caught onto things very well.

'I'd love too. Thank you.' I smiled, watching him stand up from his desk chair and make his way over to me.

'How about tomorrow after school?' He asked.

'Sounds great.' I smiled, as the 6th period bell went off. 'Could you write me a late pass please?'

He nodded and grabbed a sticky note and pen, writing down the time and his initials onto the paper.

'Thank you.' I said, taking the sticky note from him and making my way out the door.

I cant wait for tomorrow after school.


It was boring, I know. But hopefully I'll be able to update this book a lot.

Smut will be coming soon (:


Music Teacher // Book #1 // Daddy Kink A.I. Where stories live. Discover now