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I parked my car a few houses down from Madison's so no one would really notice. Highly doubt they would anyways. I grabbed my backpack from the trunk of my car and hurried to the front door.

I knew her parents always left a key under the mat, I mean, doesn't everyone? I unlocked the door quietly and locked it behind me, rushing up to Madison's room. Like always it was extremely clean, considering she and her family were a bit of clean freaks.

I set my bag down on the bed and began going through her closet, pushing back the clothes the hung there. Luckily Madison and I had been friends for quite a long time, so I knew every place she could possibly hide anything.

I remembered she always had a safe buried in the back of her closet. It was normally filled with fake ID's and money. I remembered the combination, even though she never told me it. I would always turn my head to look when she told me to look away. I always knew sometimes I couldn't trust her.

First I turned to the right 36, then the left 16 and then finally right 49. I really don't know why her combination were these numbers, but maybe it was just to throw people off. I opened the safe to find a small box, old fake ID's and a stash of money. I had never seen the small box before, so I took it out and opened it revealing a flash drive.

Luckily I had brought my laptop, so I rushed over to my bag and pulled it out. Waiting for my laptop load was the worst five minutes of my life. Even though no one else was in the home, I still had this pit in my stomach that something bad was going to happen and I just didn't know it yet.

My laptop had finally loaded so it wasn't so slow and I plugged the flash drive in and opened the file. The file read 'Secrets' and my heart dropped when I saw a video of me and Ashton in his classroom that one day. I was sickened to think she recorded us together. There are no cameras in the classrooms, so she must have set it up either when he left his class or some other time.

I didn't want to watch the video, but I had too. I had to make sure it was what I thought it was. I played the video and I heard the moans coming from both Ashton and I through the video feed.

I paused the video and downloaded the file onto my laptop. I then proceeded to delete the file from the flash drive. If I took the flash drive, Madison would notice its gone. I also knew Madison always had two of everything. So I continued looking for her laptop, knowing something would be on there too.



'So what you made realize you wanted to go out?' Madison asked, as we sat at the dinner table in the fancy restaurant I had brought her too. I didn't think many high schoolers could afford this place, so I thought it'd be perfect. And it was great because it was right outside of town.

'I don't know really, I guess it's because you are 18 and Chloe is not.' I replied, grabbing her hand from across the table. She blushed, intertwining our fingers and smiling.

'Damn, do we have to go and see that movie?' She asked, tilting her head to the side a tiny bit.

'Yes, because it's a classic and I think you'll enjoy it.' I replied, taking a sip of my water. 'The Phantom of Ophera is amazing.'

'Yeah but it's like four hours long.' She whined, 'Can't we just go back to mine after?'

'I thought we were going to mine?' I asked, slightly confused because we discussed this earlier.

'My parents are gone for a few days and I'd rather have sex with you in my own bed.' She stated, giving me a stern look and I knew I'd never win this fight. Hopefully Chloe was working fast.

Music Teacher // Book #1 // Daddy Kink A.I. Where stories live. Discover now